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Community Rating: 4.738 / 5  (432 votes)
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you know what would make magic more balanced? If we all played mono red, yea that's right red!
Posted By: capitalR (6/15/2010 1:28:02 AM)


Posted By: Bigboss1967 (10/14/2010 7:14:32 PM)


Did I really just see someone say this is the most broken card in the game?.... Have you not ever seen Ancestral Recall? And being that I had stacks of these things back when it was a 25 cent card, if you have it in your opening hand and no other Blue cards, it's useless. Ancestral on the other hand can draw you stuff, and card domination is one of the best ways to win.

The best Counterspell is still Mana Drain. And now that Mana Burn is gone, it's even better.
Posted By: SlackWareWolf (2/20/2010 5:27:59 AM)


Meh, try storm crow. But then again, I guess this is insane, since it counters storm crow for free...
Posted By: channelblaze (8/15/2010 12:29:41 PM)


Too bad it can't counter Chimney Imp.
Posted By: LasherHN (1/6/2010 9:49:59 AM)


Definetly one of if not the best counters in Magic's history. Really annoying to play against though. Should be banned in legacy, that format has enough counters in it and the threats don't come till turn 3 on average, unless they're playing dredge, but even then they can still kill you.
Posted By: rbwdeck (3/6/2010 8:07:12 PM)


Gotta say I don't see why everyone is raving over this card, I mean I understand its power but it's not that great, as far as I can see it's just a little better than Foil, and depending on the situation (say, if you had a card with a cheap madness price in your hand) foil could prove even better. Not trying to knock force of will down or anything, just saying it doesn't seem worth paying $40-$50 for one of these when Foil is maybe $1 USD
Posted By: IshubarashI (6/21/2010 11:07:46 PM)


TheWrathofShane you couldn't be more wrong instant win style decks all use ridiculously fast combos and you only have to counter one spell to mess then up so it isn't card disadvantage because you are making at least one of their cards worthless usually more even though the combos tend to be two card combos they usually use a Dark Ritual or something to speed it up I would give this card 5 stars any day.
Posted By: dragonking987 (3/2/2011 2:32:12 PM)


Yuck. Five-mana counter spell. Has anyone here ever heard of the term "mana curve"?

Posted By: Swag_Crow (4/8/2014 10:03:29 PM)


This is a card that should never, EVER be reprinted.
Posted By: rillaan (9/20/2011 1:12:18 PM)


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