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That's the first time i notice that 'cards' from the Masters Editions are always made black-bordered.
I would have prefered if they had changed the rarity symbol to Common as well. But i guess all Masters Edition cards on Gatherer are just duplications of the latest print with black border, so that would have required a completely different process.

(Although i would really love if Wizards made these cards just like any other reprints (with new Oracle Wording, accordant Expansion Symbol and maybe with old card design as they did with Timeshifted cards), so they are prettier to look at in Gatherer :D)
Posted By: Mode (7/22/2011 1:52:53 AM)


I would have been so sad to see this in my rare slot :(
Posted By: Mudbutt_on (1/7/2012 9:46:31 PM)


@DacenOctavio: Ah, no, not at all. The two abilities are designed for completely opposite purposes, actually.

The exalted mechanic encourages you to attack with only a single creature each combat (well, duh).

This mechanic is intended to be used thusly: attack with multiple creatures (the more the better) and pump the one that wasn't blocked.

And @McThor: Yes, Ghost Warden was a common. When it was printed in 2006. Thirteen years after this was printed in the very first Magic expansion ever. Power levels were different back then.

Not saying it's the best card ever. Just saying that everybody should cut this card some slack. To be fair, when it was reprinted in Masters Edition, it was as a common.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (7/13/2013 12:14:28 PM)


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