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This card is fantastic against most legacy blue decks.
Posted By: guardianbeastbreeder (2/22/2010 8:09:21 PM)


Most confusing card I've seen so far. The Oracle text is actually far more confusing than the original.
Posted By: Sidek (3/3/2010 9:33:29 AM)


My perfect sideboard card in legacy. Take that Brainstorm!!! Die Solidarity!
Posted By: Kartakass (3/19/2010 2:27:01 PM)


The original text is clearer, strange as it might seem. The Oracle text tries to word it in the same standard as new cards, but by using the word draw a few too many times it ends up being more ambiguous than helpful. The rullings help. Replacement effects happen only once, but more than one may happen in succession. If you have two of these out, any card drawn beyond the first will cause a player to discard a card. If he does, then he'll have to discard another card, drawing one if he does, or milling one if he doesn't. If you keep tabs on your opponent's hand and own the board, you can cast a Howling Mine or similar to eat through your opponent's deck, or force him to draw and discard more. It gets pretty evil with a board with Bloodchief's Ascension, Lilliana's Caress and the Mine. Each draw step, your opponent will get a card. Then he'll discard a card, the Caress will hit for two, the Ascension will either get a counter or hit for two drain.
Posted By: Luke_BPC (10/20/2010 7:57:38 PM)


So it basically shuts down enemy draw spells (forces them to discard for every extra card per turn) and mills if you use howling mines or something. Awesome; now that we got that cleared up, I would just like to point out that the Oracle does make ONE good clarification.

Instead of

"Every time your opponent draws... ... Oh by the way, it doesn't work the first time he draws in a turn."

We have

"Every time after the first time they draw in a turn... Colorless"
Posted By: TopRomen (11/6/2010 3:38:37 PM)


Very good and concise wording...much better than the wording of today!!!
Posted By: Superllama12 (1/21/2011 2:01:29 PM)


"If a player would draw a card, discard a card. If that player discarded a card, they draw a card"

Because the player would draw a card for discarding, this is again substituted with another discard.
So, a player who draws extra cards would discard their whole hand and then mill one card.
Posted By: stmcallister (2/23/2011 12:32:36 AM)


Anvil of Bogardan, Megrim, and Chains was an old school combo, it was not popular with opponents but it usaully happened by turn 4 at the latest. once you've got that lock it's over.
Posted By: Pontiac (2/26/2011 9:28:57 AM)


hey did anybody else notice that if you do what the oracle text says it makes you discard your whole hand and then put a card from the top of your library into your graveyard, but if you do what the card says, it makes you discard 1 card before you draw as normal?

according to the oracle text it stops the first draw, makes you discard and starts a new draw whcih would be stoped and you would have to discard again.

but on the card it just makes you discard before you draw....
Posted By: supershawn (3/4/2011 11:45:23 PM)


wait am I reading this right so if you can make your appoint draw one extra card they mill then self's? O OK good gatherers card text is just messed up.
Posted By: dragonking987 (3/7/2011 8:14:21 PM)


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