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8 mana does not equal 5/5 trampler + subpar ability. But, then again, he is from Legends.
Posted By: Weretarrasque (10/20/2009 7:15:19 AM)


If he were printed today, he would have to have Lifelink and something like "whenever Axelrod Gunnarson deals damage to a creature, you may have him deal that much damage to target player as well" to be relevant rather than that 1 life 1 damage thing =D
Posted By: Arachnos (9/17/2012 6:55:46 PM)


I think the easiest way to fix the ability without overpowering him would be to change the damage and life gain from a 1 to the toughness of the creature he killed,
Posted By: monkeymonk42 (8/4/2012 8:56:21 PM)


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