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Not only does it provide you with no mana, it gives you a useless ability! Sounds like a prime contender for Magic's favorite cards to feel sorry for!!!
Posted By: Superllama12 (3/6/2011 7:51:24 PM)


Because blue needs to use its legends to attack. And it needs to have multiple legends out.
Posted By: VoidedNote (5/15/2011 9:03:09 PM)


Am I the only one who likes the ability?
Just pity its for blue legends, worst color to build around for battle.
still, it could be worse, it can still be used in multicolor legends deck (not the set).
I say that most people that hate on banding and bands with others simply don't understand the ability.
It's good , very flavorful and actually quite playable if you build around it.
Posted By: Half-dead (5/20/2011 6:12:20 AM)


@A3Kitsune: Maze of Ith would like to have a word with you.
Posted By: BuffJittePLZ (5/30/2011 10:55:41 AM)


With Leyline of Singularity in play it gives all creatures in a mono-blue deck the capacity to band with each other, but not producing mana really hurts this card. It's more situational than Sorrow's Path, and probably Wood Elemental, too. Heck, even Juju Bubble can give you infinite life if you have infinite mana! This is MTG's worst card, in my opinion. At least the aforementioned cards can do a lot of good for you if you play the right cards with them, but the best this can do is give all your creatures banding, which admittedly isn't terribly impressive in most cases, considering the work you have to go through to make it happen.
Posted By: GoblinNaysayer93 (7/9/2011 11:49:12 AM)


... Right?
Posted By: Ximenez (7/9/2011 11:10:24 PM)


Leyline of Singularity.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (5/26/2012 1:44:24 PM)


Banding is a mechanic that I've never gotten to see in action. Even when I met players who owned cards with the ability, they had no idea what it meant and just assumed they had the same property as Palace Guard. Banding itself is not quite win-more, not quite lose-less as far as gameplay goes. It rewards you for playing creatures with high toughness. It's only useful if you're attacking, and if you're opponent is blocking. It rewards you for playing more creatures with the ability; the closest descendants of the Banding keyword today are Exalted, Battle Cry, and Soulbond.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (10/15/2012 6:44:01 AM)


Actually, banding is even more useful on defense, and works just fine with small creatures. If you have one big creature, and I have a bunch of small creatures, I could block with all of my creatures to kill your big creature. Without banding, that would mean that you'd distribute the damage, and would kill off all of my blockers. If even one single one of my creatures has banding, though, then I get to distribute your damage, instead, and I can thus dump it all on my least-valuable creature, and make a very lopsided trade.
Posted By: sonorhC (2/5/2013 7:13:56 PM)


great art, narrow card, combos with leyline of singularity ^^
Posted By: enjoy (3/2/2013 8:59:51 AM)


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