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Community Rating: 3.722 / 5  (36 votes)
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"Rather silly since your opp will always make the best choice."

@Radagast: Will he/she? Perhaps.. But what he/she can't do is knowingly make the RIGHT choice. 1 scenario, you're both at 10 life. Your opp chooses to pay 4 life because keeping that whatever card was the best choice, at that moment at least. What he/she did not know is that you've been sitting on 2 bolts for the right moment to come around, suddenly you Tap Tap, casting 2 bolts FTW! This was one of my favorite cards and almost always in the deck I was playing casually. My friends came to HATE this card and I grew to Love it!
Posted By: Mike-C (3/4/2012 8:52:47 PM)


Fear the popsicle of ith!!!
Posted By: blanchard23 (7/16/2012 5:53:10 PM)


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