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Community Rating: 2.633 / 5  (49 votes)
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By itself, it's far too expensive. 8 mana and two colors for that effect, phew... Many cards do that much much cheaper, like argivian restoration. Costs only half as much and only requires one color.

The only advantage I see that it is by itself an artifact, so in some heavy artifact deck that could be used in some combo, or something. Still bad.
Posted By: majinara (7/2/2013 4:26:10 AM)


This can become really powerful in edh/commander games. I know this card was originally designed to be played over the course of two turns, one turn to cast it, and then another turn to use when needed. But in Commander, mana levels can become such, that you may have enough to play this and crack it in the same turn.

Now the good news that some people don't seem to see. Check the card ruling - it says "Return target artifact from your graveyard TO PLAY". Not to your hand. This alone makes it worth the 8 mana, if you are trying to get an expensive creature back onto the field that actually costs more then 8 mana.

Note - Darksteel Colossus and Blightsteel Colossus do actually hit the graveyard for a moment, before their triggered ability activates and forces them shuffled into the deck. In this scant amount of time, you can activate the powder and bring them back onto the field for 4White.
Posted By: MechaKraken (9/3/2013 11:50:29 PM)


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