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Community Rating: 3.696 / 5  (107 votes)
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Try saying it 5 times fast!
Posted By: Styny (1/7/2010 6:30:54 PM)


This cycle has made the similar, albeit worse, tapland cycle from Invasion obsolete. I wish Wizards would stop doing that to good cards. Splendid art, though.
Posted By: Bulhakas (6/23/2010 8:36:47 AM)


I'm surprised that these are valued the way they are (over a buck fifty a piece even). This is pretty much strictly worse than Evolving Wilds.

I know there are some minor differences (Evolving Wilds thins your deck and makes you shuffle) but in most cases Evolving Wilds is just more flexible.
Posted By: james2c19v (2/23/2013 7:45:01 AM)


I was thinking the same about evolving wilds and then if you don't have lands that are many basics land types and cost a lot of bucks this is better cause evolving wilds makes the land coming taped and this too but grants 3 different color when a basic only one .
The same for the last RTR gates and i replaced my evolving by gates when i'm running only 3 colors.
Posted By: MojoVince (5/28/2013 8:13:20 AM)


Rat's Review 6

Great for Bant decks.
Posted By: EbonRat (6/20/2013 5:29:35 PM)


Flavor text win. Also, three colors in one land, with the only drawback being coming into play tapped is awesome. 4/5
Posted By: Sonserf369 (7/23/2013 12:57:47 PM)


You got to be careful with coming into play tapped lands. This cycle is great to throw in 2-3 of if you dont have any other come into play tapped.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/20/2013 8:54:00 PM)


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