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Community Rating: 3.069 / 5  (116 votes)
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Great way to screw someone out of their win condition. How'd you like to see this sitting on top of your Dragonstorm?
Posted By: DyadyaIstvan (7/14/2009 2:07:43 AM)


funny you should say that demonic angel, just what i did today lol. plus, it wins vs sarkhan vol too: oh, putting 5 dragons into play are you, well how about i take them instead :)
Posted By: LeGaCy_13 (6/11/2009 6:43:29 PM)


Interesting card. Rather than wait for a creature to be in play and take the risk of having the opponent use any of its abilities or attack with it before stealing it, you can take it from them immediately and even attack with it next turn.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/29/2009 2:18:34 PM)


Not sure why the warp world debate as it wouldn't actually work with this card unless you are witholding 6 mana and know your opponent will cast it. Also, if warp world is cast a second time all cards are reshuffled so you don't keep the previous ones. I've never had many issues with warp world since half my deck already does something when other things enter play, and my opponent just as much kills themselves when they use warp world. I could see some major potential for this card with imprint or other cards that interact with instants, maybe pyromancers ascension.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (12/26/2009 12:21:34 PM)


Great card but it's a little to pricey on my part. By the time you actually use it your opponent will already have all their creatures out.
Posted By: Blue_Blur (6/13/2009 10:10:30 AM)


instant control of progentus whooo
Posted By: Demonic_Angel13 (5/13/2009 6:52:22 PM)


I'm not too sure why mind control is rated so much higher than this. For one more mana, you get a mind control at instant speed that can steal progenitus, emrakrul, iona, and... just about any other game-breaking card. And it can ruin otherwise epic cascades. AND it prevents them from playing ANY other creature that turn.

Its hilarious to use against polymorph, and absolutely hysterical to use against the newly printed mass polymorph.

Oh? Iona, emrakrul, prodenitus, ulamog, AND darksteel colossus? I'll be taking those.

It's just too bad that the art is so stupid. An owl? Really? You stole an owl?
Posted By: Eric1618 (7/13/2010 5:01:53 PM)


Cheat out a Terastodon, blow up 3 permanents, Gather Specimens.
Posted By: n00bmag1 (8/4/2010 4:55:58 AM)


Works really well with the "hunted" cycle from ravnica. such as Hunted Dragon :)
Posted By: iSlapTrees (11/30/2010 9:09:12 PM)


Opponent: I play Polymorph.
Me: Gather Specimens
Opponent: FUUUU
Posted By: ZuesAscendant (12/4/2010 8:01:45 PM)


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