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Community Rating: 3.069 / 5  (116 votes)
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Someday, before I die, I want to cast this card in response to a Living Death. It doesn't have to be my opponent's Living Death, it doesn't have to win me the game, it doesn't even have to be in a game that I am playing in at the time, but someday I want to respond to the sentence "I cast Living Death" with "Gather Specimens in response".
Posted By: MrPink343 (1/14/2011 11:21:37 PM)


Emrakul. HAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Can I say cum? NO????!!!! BUT I CAN SAY shit! How about ass? Geez, wizards...
Posted By: land_comment (3/9/2011 7:21:02 AM)


+U from Mind Control and for that you get flash and the ability to steal ETB effects. More than worth U.
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (3/16/2011 12:38:54 PM)


I played Warp World in a 5 player EDH game last week. My friend played this card. Everyone but him hated me afterwards.
Posted By: ZeroSheep (8/11/2011 7:59:19 PM)


This is one of the reasons why blue is hated so much

For a fair cost of 6 cmc, you can take over any creature tokens generated during the whole turn. Or better yet use one of the hunted creatures from Ravnica. This card is also anti protection, anti shroud which can net you dangerous stuff like Progenitus

Posted By: Paladin85 (8/15/2011 11:59:12 PM)


This is a card with a lot of potential (I feel it's in the vein of something like Draining Whelk - you 'counter' a spell and get a nice creature out of it), but I'd love it so much more if it were templated like Commandeer. As it is, it's pretty darn expensive for a control deck, but if you were to be able to pitch 2 cards in order to steal a creature, then it'd be really, really awesome.

Then again, it might be too awesome in those circumstances. ^^
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (8/23/2011 4:25:20 AM)


In response to your Genesis Wave for 25, I play this.

I'm sorry, but you gave me way to many specimens.
Posted By: TheLionsMane (10/19/2011 4:37:28 PM)


That's either some great perspective drawing or one hell of a huge owl.
Posted By: TheHandyman (11/3/2011 11:01:09 AM)


Any Rush fans? Does this remind you of the Fly by Night cover?
Posted By: CuriousThing (12/1/2011 6:42:53 PM)


This combos exceptionally well with Mindslaver or Sorin Markov's ultimate ability. Use their turn to play the best creature you can with their hand, so that it ends up on your side of the table instead!
Posted By: MechaKraken (12/19/2011 11:17:00 AM)


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