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Community Rating: 3.122 / 5  (82 votes)
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Can you use this effect on persist creatures? When the persist creature is put into the graveyard, can you activate this enchantment before the creatures comes back?
Posted By: Douchette (8/12/2009 3:25:28 PM)


@ iSlapTrees:

Once Emrakul, Ulamog, or Kozilek puts their final ability on the stack, you can respond, having this resolve first, exiling the targeted card, and then their abilities still resolve and they get the rest of their graveyard back. So, you can't counter the ability this way, but you can just make the Elrazi go away once they've been sent to the graveyard.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (12/10/2010 12:49:42 AM)


That's a great pun on Necrogen...

Oh wait.
Posted By: http404error (2/6/2011 6:16:23 PM)


Seems like a good plan, but don't know if I want to put one in my Glissa, the Traitor EDH...It likes tokens.
Posted By: MindAblaze (6/25/2012 9:16:20 PM)


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