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Community Rating: 3.728 / 5  (114 votes)
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I'd almost always use this as part of my removal for a Blue/Black deck. Tough choice, but I prefer this slightly to Last Gasp.
Posted By: Asinine-Ultimatum (5/9/2009 4:54:37 AM)


Sort of like the UB version of Lightning Helix.
Posted By: Vadoff (10/24/2009 8:56:47 PM)


The fact that you can choose 2 separate targets makes this card kind of good.
Posted By: Lurker77 (2/10/2009 7:01:11 PM)


Overall a great card. Versatile and threatening. 4/5

A few points of clarification for those who asked:

A 3/3 creature who is targeted by the second part of the spell would become 3/0 and die after the spell resolves. Any creature with a toughness of 0 will be put into the graveyard the next time state-based effects are checked.

An indestructible creature (such as stuffy doll which is a 0/1 creature), would also be put into the graveyard. Indestructible creatures can not be killed by combat or non-combat damage. However, reducing toughness to 0 (or less), is not damage.

Any creature, indestructible or not, will be put into the graveyard if it's toughness is reduced to 0 (or less).
Posted By: apollogod (6/4/2010 9:59:01 AM)


it`s simply brutal.i`ve waited my opponent ......he had two creatures 2/2 and made a mistake...he attacked,well ok first one of his creatures died and the ather one was with 0 power and it was tapped wich allowed me to have a clear field on my next turn...so yes i think it`s a great card
Posted By: Iiory (8/23/2009 11:42:16 PM)


when a creature is a 3-3 and you use this card to make it a 3-0 does it die or is it just a 3-0 untill the end of the turn?
Posted By: Pago-Pago (5/9/2009 7:57:37 PM)


not as painful as it's made out to be
Posted By: ttian (3/24/2009 9:35:22 PM)


i thought indestructible creature would only die if its toughness remained below 0 because it can go to zero when it blocks and not die?
Posted By: aba1 (1/2/2010 10:41:35 PM)


Really should've been WB instead of UB. Reducing power has always been a white ability.
Somewhat reminiscent of an Apocalypse card called Consume Strength.
Posted By: achilleselbow (5/3/2010 3:25:59 PM)


This card is incredibly strong! It doesn't look too great when you see it, but in play, this is overwhelming!
Posted By: GengilOrbios (8/5/2011 12:48:08 AM)


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