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I love everything about this card, except it's 8 mana cost. You wouldn't be able to play it until so late in the game it probably wouldn't make a difference anymore. On the other hand, it has the shroud and 8 toughness like a wall of denial, while still being able to take damage for you directly. It has shroud, so you wont just play it and it will get killed by a doomblade, and obviously crazy combos like vigor are awesome here. Mayael's aria wouldn't hurt either, with 2 of the same colors, and making the empyrial archangel grow bigger every turn simply for being in play. Sure, if you mana accel into her using green you could maybe have her out turn 5 or 6, but if you draw her in your first hand and no major mana accel, then you can treat it as an unplayable card. Since you can get nearly similiar effects from having a lower mana creature you can enchant like uril mistalker and a shield of the oversoul, it's not reasonable to suggest that the angel would help win the game by that... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/12/2009 11:50:13 PM)



The EA produce a shield in front of you. If you have 2 AE you have 2 shields. You choose in what order they interact. So basically your opponent attack you for 8, you choose that your AE1 shield take the damage first. Then if there is any damage left you can choose (well you have too since there is no MAY) redire t them to the second angel. But since the ability take ALL damage the second shield cannot be used, unless there is multiple sources of damages.
Posted By: Sorxores (1/28/2010 3:25:14 PM)


I think this card is under-rated

I have 4x wall of denials in my deck, 1x Iona and 2x EA

I have manaproduction and a few summoning traps plus a few creature removals

Deathtouch creatures are its weakness yes but wall of denials stop the power of your opponents big creatures and its usually decks with a lot of creatures a lot of the time are mono coloured. With so much protection you are normally still in the game long enough to cast Iona or if your lucky hit it with a summoning trap.

Its also great if your opponent doesnt have many creatures to drop a luminarch ascension which then basically reads.. if you cant deal 8 damage to your opponent for 3 turns you get 4/4 angels for 1W

On its own this card isnt great but put in a deck with the right cards..it can be great


Also on another note - mark of asylm - the damage it still classed as combat as it redirects the damage and doesnt change the type. Combat damage to player = combat damage to EA
Posted By: quadratine (2/8/2010 9:03:59 AM)


I agree with abyssalmanzero, if only it had you may. there have been so many times I've finally got this on the board only to have it nuked the very next turn >.>
Posted By: Tobinator (2/10/2010 12:24:03 PM)


I see it going hand-in-hand with Bant's friendly-neighborhood planeswalker, and Gilder Bairn. Start up your mana-production with Zendikar's mana-ramp, play Gilder the next turn, something else to keep your opponent occupied, next turn,Elspeth the Knight Errant, Swing with Gilder, untap him Elspeth's ultimate during the 2nd mainphase after GB attacks, drop Empyrial Archangel. Also, it goes extremely well with Sudden Spoiling for equipment, Replenish for Enchantments. Can you say a 15-18 with trample? I love Eldrazi Con***ion. Anyone have any tips for getting enchantments in the graveyard?
Posted By: Molly.Llama (5/2/2010 3:07:41 PM)


It is a fairly pricy card, but I would say you're getting what you paid for and if you have some angel's herald's you can get this card out before you get the 8 land to pay his mana cost. You might be able to get it out on your forth turn if you build your deck right.
Posted By: aymanyayman (5/28/2010 7:34:07 PM)


Due to it having shroud, you'd have to combo it with something like Elspeth, Knight-Errant. Otherwise, it's only going to function for you as a twice-powerful Force Bubble.

If you're looking for a card that does what this does, and isn't this card, go for Pariah and things like Indestructibility, Heart of Light, or protection from X (protection from creatures is a nice choice to avoid color problems).

Posted By: Kelrath (6/2/2010 2:42:13 AM)


How about a one-of sideboard in Agro-Elves with natural order/ progenitus combo (or main if you know your meta).
Can resolve rather quickly & you only need 1. An early 4 turn clock is nice too 8)
Posted By: Tzunamii (7/3/2010 5:05:09 PM)


Aura Graft gets past Shroud (it doesn't target, and Shroud only protects against targeting, it doesn't affect enchantments that somehow got slapped on the creature (unlike Protection from X)), so you could use that to slap an Indestructibility on it. But for all that mana, Platinum Angel is just better.

Posted By: Azazyel (7/23/2010 12:22:44 PM)


turn 8: empyrial archangel
turn 9: indestructibility on it
= win
opponent says: it has shroud
me: dhuwdabgeuiwbnefulbezuibzuefbjukb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: GengilOrbios (8/21/2010 1:14:10 PM)


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