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This actually kinda sucks. If they can get rid of it, you get card equality, tempo loss, and you trigger their EtBs. Those reasons are what keep Oblivion Ring under control.
Posted By: Designer_Genes (10/3/2009 10:09:51 AM)


The way I see it, it cannot be successfully countered. Haha, nice job Wizards.
Posted By: xRockFan (7/31/2010 3:33:01 PM)


I don't like how this card can exile a creature buffed with a bunch of totem armors.
Posted By: Sasky (12/12/2010 9:49:04 AM)


Is it me or is that Lorwyn in the background? At least it looks like lorwyn...
Posted By: Volcre (9/28/2009 7:27:52 AM)


blue does have some anti white removal ammo, it is called boomerang, but you are right, enchant removal needs to be spread out

and black has better removal, white just has more, black kills it, while white, if the enchantment goes boom, the permanent comes back

as for how to spread it

Blue: you get to disenchant, meaning blue ends the spell, since blue has(had, darn you WotC, shafting blue) the counter spells, this makes sense

Red: you blow it up, probally with some dmg or by causeing an explosion of sorts to disrupt the magic, that is what red does, makes things go BOOM

Black: well, sacrafice a creature to destroy something else, if you think of the battle field as a field, an enchantment would be a layer of magic on that field doing something to the field, sac a creature to destroy another thing on the field feels black
Posted By: Dingo777 (10/19/2009 10:43:10 PM)


Excellent removal in limited. Good removal in general.

You can also bounce Journey to Nowhere back to your hand while it's on the stack with Narrow Escape or Into the Roil to exile the creature indefinitely and reuse Journey.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (10/30/2009 9:04:52 AM)


Black has a way to beat enchantments. It's called Duress.

Blue has a way to beat enchantments. It's called counterspells.

Not as reliable as Naturalize! But they work decently. And that's how it's supposed to be.
Posted By: KrosanGardener (11/7/2009 10:45:05 PM)


Awesome. Good for use on any side.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (11/17/2009 1:52:36 PM)


what happens if you cast this and there are no legal targets? i.e. there are no creatures in play? Does it just sit out on the battlefield? Does it fizzle?
Posted By: Nickkom (11/22/2009 2:38:08 PM)


How does this work with tokens? Does it exile them?
Posted By: jhimbob (11/24/2009 6:01:21 PM)


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