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Community Rating: 4.682 / 5  (198 votes)
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disgustingly good... and kinda upsetting.
Posted By: OverfiendSurprise (5/31/2010 10:54:54 PM)


An amazingly powerful card. It's a 2/2 with exalted that is also a naturalise. I'm suprised it's a common to be honest- those stats are normally found on uncommons or even rares.
Posted By: Studoku (5/4/2009 6:49:50 AM)


People, stop saying this should be rare or uncommon! It sickens me that people have become so used to the idea that a card's rarity should determine how good it is, or that you can print cards that are strictly and substantially better than other cards with the same cost, with no drawback other than being rare or mythic. Some of the best cards in older sets were commons or uncommons, and rares weren't just strictly better, but situationally better and required more thought to use properly. There is no reason to tie a card's rarity to its quality other than for Wizards to drain more of your money. Cards like Baneslayer Angel and most of the planeswalkers disgust me. Be thankful they're still printing some decent commons - looking at the Zendikar block, I feel like this may soon no longer be the case.
Posted By: achilleselbow (5/27/2010 6:25:18 PM)


Wow this guy will loved by Magic players until the end of time! Instant classic.5/5
Posted By: niallcmurray86 (8/3/2010 1:14:35 AM)


@XMLEE: No, because you sacrifice him as a part of the cost.

This card is absurdly powerful.
Posted By: behemothzero (5/12/2009 1:56:08 PM)


This card is ridiculous for a two-drop. It's a 2/2 with Exalted that ensures that you have artifact and enchantment removal.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (8/7/2009 7:29:54 PM)


This card should have being an uncommon at least. This guy gets rid of 44 cards in alara reborn alone. Talk about defense and removal, this guy is perfect and a must in a bant deck. I personally hated when someone would oblivion ring my Rafiq Of The Many "aarrggh", but With Qasali Pridemage forget about it.

Qasali Pridemage and Giltspire Avenger can help keep your opponent under control while you are swinging Rhox War Monk "for example", and gaining 5 life.
Posted By: nineyears (6/9/2009 9:05:09 AM)


Technical Question:
I pay 1 colorless and sacrifice Qasali Pridemage as an activation cost for its ability to destroy a target artifact or enchantment.

Can my opponent prevent the ability from resolving by casting a removal spell on the sacrificed Qasali Pridemage such as, 'Unmake'?

I am thinking no, because my logic is that the Qasali Pridemage's sacrifice resolves immediately and does not go on the stack. In the case that my logic is correct, what happens to the Unmake spell?


so first off costs are paid as soon as you activate your ability. so there is no more pridemage to target with the unmake so it never gets cast.

second if he was still around cuz the card was worded something like "pay 1colorless pridemage destroyes target enchantment then bites it" then yes you could kill it before it goes off because there would be no more pridemage to kill the enchantment .

third if the card said pay 1colorless target enchantment explodes and then they target the pridemage and the p... (see all)
Posted By: thaviel (6/11/2009 2:57:49 PM)


Wow, Watchwolf is suddenly much less impressive.
Posted By: 2pcsofcandy (6/3/2009 12:11:29 AM)


Puts Elvish Hexmage to shame
Posted By: vsasntore (8/17/2010 7:28:16 AM)


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