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Community Rating: 4.682 / 5  (198 votes)
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You really want 4 of these in your deck
Posted By: Lueseto (11/8/2011 11:24:38 AM)


Turn one: Plains, Akrasan Squire
Turn two: Forest, this card, swing for 3 (hopefully)
Turn three: Any mana producing land, Shield of the Oversoul on this card, a 4/4 indestructible flyer that swings as a 6/6.
Posted By: SirZapdos (2/3/2012 8:20:41 AM)


I wonder if R&G got confused for a second and thought exalted was a drawback.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/9/2012 2:43:04 AM)


I like it so much but Sylvok Replica getting less rewards whereas it's in an artifact block disturb me ...
Posted By: MojoVince (10/12/2012 10:40:12 AM)


I love opening this guy with Rancor in my Modern deck. Turn 3, swing with a 5/3 that loses nothing if I use his ability later. This is a really good card. Possibly one of the best commons ever made.
Posted By: Brawler_1337 (5/27/2013 11:58:23 AM)


I have a foil one of these, looks fantastic.
Posted By: Unsung31 (1/12/2014 11:36:54 PM)


A common that sees regular legacy play. That, in many ways, makes this as iconic and powerful as the ol' Lightning Bolt.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/11/2014 3:02:10 PM)


Every time I look at this card I cannot help but think that Wizards originally planned on it being two separate creatures. One with Exalted and the other with the artifact/enchantment destruction. Especially since it is a common.

One cannot ask for more utility in a single creature. Creatures with similar levels of utility usually rely on some other source to make it good. For example, Deathrite Shaman needs the graveyard or it is just a 1/2, and Stoneforge Mystic is only as good as the equipment it gets. Also note that these cards are rares.

Of course I am not saying that Qasali Pridemage is better than these two, but my point is that this card is good by itself. It attacks as Watchwolf and is constantly threatening any of your opponents artifacts or enchantments. It is pretty much required as a 1 or 2 of in any GW deck, especially with Green Sun's Zenith.

5/5 for being a... (see all)
Posted By: RobotOwl (5/23/2014 11:56:59 AM)


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