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Cycling can be useful in tight spots when nothing has gone right. Use this card wisely.
Posted By: gatherer132 (11/22/2009 8:52:01 AM)


Decent for functionally reducing deck size w/ draws. I'm using it in a 3card combo WUB deck for thinning the deck out w/ Kathari Remnant, Terramorphic Expanse, and Mishra's Bauble. Good for it's purpose, not much else
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (12/7/2009 2:08:21 PM)


I used to think that Wizards tries to keep some cards from being broken.

No, that is not it. I now admit- they make bad cards. . . and give them good artwork. They should go back to making cards of a more equal power level and letting the players determine which are good and bad. I mean relative to present day, in which it is clear what to play and what not to play (in terms of winning). Only someone who had only been in the game for three days would need to sit and ponder for a little while what cards to use and what not to use.
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (12/27/2010 7:58:11 PM)


How is this get so much more flak than Sea Gate Oracle (especially on the Archenemy version)? They do similar things. This costs an extra Black but in return you get: one more card to look at, the ability to point its ability at your opponent, cycle for only Blue or Black , and 2 more power.
Posted By: Great_North (1/30/2011 7:18:55 PM)


@Great_North: Sea Gate Oracle provides card advantage. This does not.
Posted By: adinsx3 (2/16/2011 10:39:13 PM)


Add to any deck that runs Glissa, the Traitor.
Posted By: PeabodyET (1/31/2012 10:12:12 AM)


Modern Living End has a home for this; Living End, where up os down, black is white, Architects of Will is Wild Nacatl with a free Ponder, Street Wraith is a black Serendib Efreet, and Jungle Weaver is Tarmogoyf+.

Silly, silly Modern.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (4/6/2012 4:07:26 PM)


Used it to set up the win a few times in sealed. Other than that its pretty meh.
Posted By: DivineNocturnus (9/14/2012 11:13:55 PM)


Not bad... Would be pretty badass if it instead limited the effect to your library but let you draw one of them as well.
Posted By: Technetium (4/8/2013 9:03:51 AM)


Gettin' him for sure!
-Cheap price tag ($)
-3/3 to lay on the beats
-Uses one of my favorite mechanics (manipulating the top of the library)

I'm slowly building a deck based around that, portent, 1-card milling, lantern of insight, misinformation, and similar. Should be horribly lame to play against; which is fun!
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/12/2013 11:50:14 AM)


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