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Community Rating: 2.548 / 5  (62 votes)
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this card is extremely trash. it doesn't even get rid of a measly storm crow.
Posted By: DaaNz (3/19/2009 4:42:27 AM)


This card works great with banewasp affliction. One of my decks plays off of this combo. It's really fun to play against a devour deck :D
Posted By: machtung7 (3/30/2009 9:11:59 AM)


I use it as a defensive card. Place it on something they love (that they don't attack with) and then wait on the other side of the board with a Tidehollow Strix. You may enchant power of fire to speed up this process.
Posted By: Fire_hive (4/4/2009 8:32:50 AM)


Doesn't work for Unearthed creatures, since they're removed from the game rather than going to the graveyard, but it IS extremely potent. Works great with Bone Splinters - doubles the ratio of enemy creatures dying to your creatures dying. And with Threaten? Mwahaha.
Posted By: RobinHood3000 (3/9/2009 3:11:20 PM)


When used as a kill spell, this is strictly worse. It's only good for defense--to dissuade them from attacking.

Also, Seems like "from play (battlefield)" is unnecessary text. Creatures aren't creatures in any other zones, so how can they be put in the graveyard from anywhere else?
Posted By: rage4lifebj (2/15/2010 2:29:35 AM)


Soul Reap is this, but better. (In comparison that it can kill black creatures.)

Mostly because it's an actual kill spell, and you get the extra clause of 3 life anyway.
In the sense that with this, you are going to cast this on something, then drop another kill spell to get both of them at the same time.

With Soul Reap you get the same thing, in reverse order, and with 3 life loss as well.

Drop this, Doom Blade, they both get destroyed.

Doom Blade, drop Soul Reap, 2 dead creatures, and 3 life loss.
Posted By: SquirePath (3/29/2012 8:23:50 PM)


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