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I really like this. Cheap and only three counters needed for it to pull off. Art is kinda weird, though. Like zombies who have been knitted togeather. lol.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (4/20/2010 8:11:59 AM)


My giant zombie loves Undead Warchief, Death Baron and Cemetary Reaper
Posted By: Demonic_Angel13 (12/23/2009 7:44:43 PM)


Quest for the Gaylord
Made my friend stop playing it cuz i called it that so much :) now THAT'S strategy
Posted By: JWalks82 (12/21/2010 7:49:10 PM)


This card is a must in any black aggro deck undoubtedly. Not only is it great with your own removal but your opponents are gonna have to think twice whenever they are looking to pop your creatures. I play this before any one drops in my hand for that very reason. Great card.
Posted By: richter25 (11/4/2009 11:38:24 AM)


great tactic if you get board wiped. now you're putting the other guy on edge by having threats in the field and threats that would come if he kills your creatures on the field. great card imo. also good with stuff like hellspark and ball lightning
Posted By: xalwynx (12/19/2009 6:15:47 PM)


can I remove twice as many and do it twice?
Posted By: sammyk (12/26/2009 9:38:23 PM)


This is amazing. 1 mana for a 5/5 is amazing, even if it doesn't activate immediately. Especially with all the removal in black, Quest for the Gravelord is a cheap and powerful threat.
Posted By: dudecow (1/2/2010 7:53:10 PM)


The major reason this card is so good is, obviously, the fact that it applies to all graveyards. In multi-player magic, this thing can go off in a single turn. In a 2-player match, you're still more than likely to see this within 2-3 turns, particularly if your own deck is setup with either sacrifice or removal attacks.

I had an opponent put out two of these on me the other day, and it created a pretty nasty situation where I was reluctant to attack him due to their presence.

For a 1CC, this is no-brainer, especially since it is a zombie and works with boosts like Death Baron.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (1/13/2010 6:08:53 AM)


Fantastic in many multiplayer variants. 3 creatures alone isn't too tough (especially if you use the sexy Fleshbag Marauder), but in a multiplayer environment it's incredibly easy to get this to pop before your next turn. A fairly reliable 5/5 for 1 is pretty good by anyone's standards. ^^
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (1/19/2010 7:08:32 PM)


@sammyk- no beacuse you can't sacrifice it twice now can you?
Posted By: greenandblack (3/29/2010 6:14:05 PM)


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