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This plus nether traitor, genesis chamber, and phyrexian alter = infinite mana, infinite sacs, and best of all infinite thraximundar.

coolest freaking general ever!
Posted By: theblackknight42 (12/9/2011 8:20:49 AM)


What I don't get is why he's an assassin. I mean, I get that he kills stuff, but how is a giant flaming zombie likely going to sneak up on somebody?
Posted By: Superllama12 (3/13/2012 4:02:12 PM)


Red - haste. Black - sacrifice. Blue - counters. Run some proliferate (Inexorable Tide, Steady Progress, Tezzeret's Gamble) and the counters will flow.

He's such a badass assassin that he manages to kill creatures without lifting a finger. He just shows up to fight and they fall over dead. And be honest, if you saw this guy coming after you, you'd probably say you've lived a good life and end it right then and there too.
Posted By: igniteice (5/15/2012 10:33:42 AM)


Equip with Unscythe, and laugh manically.

Extra flavor points if you then proceed to kill Sedris with him. What a lackluster king...
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/31/2012 7:20:36 AM)


I'd say the flavor of a red assassin, while unusual, is implemented perfectly here. The victim sees him coming a mile away, but he's so fast that he still makes the kill. Unfortunately, he moves so quickly that it's a toss-up as to whether he killed the right target.

This isn't the first red assassin either. Like his pedigree, Thraximundar can be trusted to do a job... just not always the job you wanted him to do.
Posted By: MisterAction (6/11/2012 2:48:34 AM)


In many ways, Thraximundar is still stronger then Grimgrin, Corpse-born. Thrax can come out and swing in the same turn due to haste, and his saccing ability can get around your opponents creatures who have shroud/hexproof. We'll compare to Grimgrin.

Grimgrin is only two colors, so he can come out more easily, and he is cheaper too. Grimgrins saccing ability also has a nice little combo, where you can pump him up indefinitely if you have Rooftop Storm and Gravecrawler out. Running both Grimgrin and Thrax is a definite option though!

Anyway, something to remember is that Thrax can and probably will be chumpblocked. This is where you pump him up to give him trample/unblockabilty. There are many ways to do this, here are a few - Distortion Strike, Artful Dodge, Fury Charm.
Posted By: MechaKraken (6/23/2012 9:48:19 PM)


This guy and Kresh the Bloodbraided are a frightening combination. Every time they attack, they each get +1/+1, and what blockers aren't killed by Thraximunders ability won't last long against the constant barrage. Add a Deathbringer Thoctar and you can deal a minimum one point of direct damage per turn (probably more; most people will chump block Thrax and Kresh) and maybe a Lightning Reaver To join the offensive, providing yet more direct damage if he gets through even once.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (6/30/2012 12:51:39 AM)


If there was ever a more deserving candidate for general tucking cards such as oblation, I haven't found it.
Posted By: tarvofthemudhole (7/28/2012 12:38:14 PM)


Just to be completely boring, here's the break-down of his name:

Thraxi - He who paints
Mund - Earth
ar - Red

Now, if there's a new card with any of these words in it, and now you know that what it's code for. Enjoy!

That being said, Mundungu could translate into something if we can determine what "ungu" means.
Posted By: Ferlord (8/7/2012 9:47:58 PM)


Do you still have to sacrafice a creatue if he attacks a planeswalker you control. Do yhou still count as the defending player?
Posted By: MTGundy (8/22/2012 11:41:54 PM)


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