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I love the combination of the abilities. I think I'll get one for my zombie horde deck. The damage will scale epicly because it will hit each player (3 players means 3x damage). He's also epic, and I love the zombie that get bigger over time.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/21/2013 12:04:48 PM)


If going for an "all-in" strategy; this guy can work pretty well with Reanimate; especially if you pump him at all or toss in double strike. It's also comboable.

Primal forcemage and green in general work well with him. The ramp gets him out earlier, the mana fix ensures you can cast him, the pump ensures he hits like a ton of bricks. T3 this guy with a T2 Primal forcemage

How T2 and T3? Veteran Explorer + any black 1-mana sac outlet. Cabal Therapy is preferred since you'll nail the removal from their hand and secure your advantage. If building around haste in general, strangleroot and vengevine go well in the same deck

You could instead use BoP and utopia sprawl; or several other weird combinations, like crop rotation and flagstones
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/31/2013 11:04:12 AM)


If you're up to playing 4 colors and being a complete jerk, Vorel of the Hull Clade can double charge counters on this guy.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (11/26/2013 12:47:55 PM)


Weird, Oracle separates fear and haste with a semicolon. Is that done anywhere else?
Posted By: Totema (12/29/2013 2:55:15 AM)


Slow win-con, sure, but does it bone?
Posted By: CatParty (4/19/2014 11:52:19 PM)


Little known fact: My first magic card.
Posted By: Gallega123 (6/7/2014 8:49:51 AM)


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