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this and avarice totem?
Posted By: Tetsu_tora (5/13/2011 1:48:20 PM)


Back in "the day", I had this in my Turbo Stasis deck to destroy Stasis (or on occasion Glacial Chasm) in order to reset myself.
Posted By: redshoesrock (7/10/2010 1:44:28 AM)


Being as though this is capable of destroying only things that you OWN (rather than control, as some commenters seem to think), I'm thinking more along the lines of donate/bazaar trader and vicious shadows. Give your opponents your own stuff, then kill them to inflict damage to their controller or something.
Posted By: Fictionarious (10/16/2010 5:41:17 PM)


Kill off Abyssal Persecutor once he's beat your opponent into submission. Works at instant speed, and difficult for opponents to counter if you've already played the Scepter early.
Posted By: drunyon (10/31/2010 6:33:04 PM)


I need a deck based around abusing this thing... I just do. It made my day when I saw it...
Tee hee....
Posted By: Zoah (8/8/2011 2:51:24 AM)


Spine is not a creature, so no affinity from the golem.

Apparently people aren't getting that control =/= own in Magic. They typically run hand and hand so newer players assume they are interchangeable but that is a crucial error when it comes to cards like this.

Control is pretty self explanatory. These are the cards you have influence over. Land that you can tap for mana, creatures you can declare as attacker/blockers, etc... You only CONTROL cards that are on the battlefield, not in any zone like your hand or library.

Own is another story. Owning a permanent means it either came from your deck (cards) or was put in to play under control (tokens). Only cards that you OWN can be in your hand, library, and graveyard.

Where they diverage is cards like Mind Control and Donate. A card can switch controllers but they can NEVER switch owners mid-game. So taking one of your opponent's permanents with this with ... (see all)
Posted By: OmegaSerris (10/24/2011 4:53:06 AM)


Posted By: nope.avi (11/7/2011 8:40:59 PM)


conjured currency.
Posted By: kononoko (12/6/2012 1:59:37 PM)


What?! Nobody's mentioned Hatching Plans? or Ichor Wellspring? or Mycosynth Wellspring?

It's also not bad with Mimic Vat if you need, and I've found that if I have to cast a card, it's a nice way to remove my Standstill.

Aside from all those amazing cards that you can pair this with, you can also use it to save your stuff.

The most notable examples I can think of where you can save some of your stuff with this is Sever the Bloodline and Detention Sphere.

Better that something goes to the Graveyard than being Exiled.
Posted By: Xycolian (2/3/2013 8:43:59 PM)


The phrase "draw a card" should appear in the rules text somewhere. Then it would be really excellent.
Posted By: EGarrett01 (2/6/2013 3:16:47 AM)


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