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Community Rating: 3.738 / 5  (40 votes)
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I'd rather play Claws of Gix. While this requires no cost, it does require a tap, and Glaws of Gix, requiring no tap, can hit multiple permanents.
Posted By: igniteice (2/26/2013 9:38:03 AM)


A lot of the cards my friends play with are actually mine...
Posted By: Hercynian (4/24/2013 8:01:39 PM)


Not bad with Treacherous Pit-Dweller and Abyssal Persecutor. Allows them in Demon tribal and Demons happen to be known for beating the crap out of you with drawbacks, so having a way to nix ones that are a problem, such as Xathrid Demon is great!
Posted By: blurrymadness (6/27/2013 2:47:49 PM)


Hey its cheap enough and it has some niche uses against things like Act of Treason, Mind Control, and Path to Exile. Not to mention you can combo with it with things like Morbid or even your own Act of Treason. Just off top of my head.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/12/2014 4:59:17 AM)


It's interesting that the Suicide Stick can kill things that have been stolen from you via mind control spells, or things you have Donated. It's a narrow use, but not necessarily worthless.

Also, nice art. Very bloody and a bit unsettling.
Posted By: Arachnos (2/24/2014 1:32:05 PM)


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