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A base 2/2 with 3 abilities does, in fact, equal 5 mana cost. Still, I would rather Shepherd of the lost over this.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (1/5/2011 11:14:13 AM)


Overcosted by today's standards, but I would play him given the chance. Like him more than the Kjeldoran Skyknight at any rate.
The increase of 2 mana for the +1/+1 is actually worth it in this case, to make the other abilities worth a damn.

Honestly, though, the only reason I keep around the Skyknight is so I can copy my Quicksilver Gargantuan onto it.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (3/21/2011 3:24:11 PM)


Banding was absolutely sick on defense and, in its time, made a card like this worth paying five mana. You block as a band with something else, the attacking creature gets two first strike damage right off the bat, and then the defending player (not the attacking one) chooses how damage gets distributed - even trample damage.

Infect made me wish for the return of banding, or some retooled form of it that worked the same way on defense. You could block Blightsteel Colossus with a band and designate one of the creatures in the band as the recipient of all 11 infect damage. Beats the hell out of losing the game.
Posted By: jfre81 (10/14/2011 1:53:51 AM)


Banding is one of the best mechanics out there, so long as you know how to use it.
Posted By: FragNutMK1 (3/21/2010 11:37:35 PM)


Terrible card for 5. Banding (and previously first strike) is the most overcosted mehcanic ever.
Posted By: asmallcat (6/17/2009 1:34:40 PM)


Flying defeats the purpose of banding in a lot of cases.
Posted By: Wraique (2/23/2010 7:54:13 PM)


"If we do our duty and uphold our honor, Kjeldor shall stand for a thousand years."

Man, that so totally did not work out for them.
Posted By: Aquillion (4/13/2013 4:13:21 PM)


Dies to Murder.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/15/2013 7:10:25 AM)


@ asmallcat, I disagree. Rampage was the most overcosted ability ever. Considering that banding is a considerably more useful ability, the strength-to-mana ratio is more skewed with rampagers. Banding was actually worth a price (though not the 5 mana that our Skycaptain demands) Rampage rarely came into play because people just don't have the intention to block one attacker with two defenders all that often. Take a look at how highly the card designers valued Rampage during the Legends era: Frost Giant... AErathi Berserker...

You're right about banding being very overpriced though, I'd say Benalish Hero and Timber Wolves were the only cards they got just right. Well... and maybe Nalathni Dragon. :-)
Posted By: DrJack (8/28/2013 1:02:31 AM)


Am I the only one who saw the art, then read the types, then looked back at the art again and thought "wait, why is this a human?"
Posted By: Arachnos (1/17/2014 1:16:17 PM)


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