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Community Rating: 2.944 / 5  (80 votes)
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I want to get one altered with a picture of the Creation Museum in Kentucky as the art.
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/6/2011 6:26:05 PM)


yeah trees! it can do land too whooo. im still paying a different color+ 3 more colorless for a sorcery speed boomerang with an uncontrollable free spell that costs 4 or less on top. what crap although in limited if you hit architects of will you have netted some awesome tempo. what a piece.
Posted By: davidhuman (4/26/2009 12:31:27 PM)


question about cascade, lets say you play this card and the card that you get also cascade, would you use cascade for it too?
Posted By: HoboBobby (4/30/2009 5:45:51 PM)


The one thing that makes me dread using this card is hitting Dark Ritual. Hooray mana burn! /wrists

It seems way overpriced. Maybe at 2UB or something it would be worth it, but it is mad expensive.
Posted By: Elysiume (6/13/2009 12:27:25 PM)


actually calling it something like deny reality sounds more like a white ability than black.
Posted By: supershawn (3/4/2011 9:25:02 AM)


to those who rated this low, let me explain something to you, You play this card and bounce one, then you play the next non-land card in your deck for FREE!, if it costs 4 or less... and if that card has cascade, you do it again. the trick to cascade is to run a non-reactive deck, things that don't need the opponent to do something to play (i.e. counterspells). put in the right deck I could see some horrific combos with the cascade mechanic.
Posted By: Atrues (5/2/2009 1:41:33 PM)


Imagine what happens if you cascade into a Singe Mind after bouncing oh... CHandra or Illana Ves... Repealing into damage.
Posted By: DrakeKXI (6/11/2009 10:47:29 AM)


this card is good:)cascade 5 can help u turn the table + u return a possible threat to your opponent hand ...example -the opponent havesome fatty and low life points,u have nothing ,now u draw this card :P bye bye fatty hell oh creature with haste on my side...grixis makes my day
Posted By: Iiory (7/26/2009 3:50:19 AM)


at mtmills: no, you can't bypas the dark ritual. if you read the prompt of how to perform the cascade ability, you stop exiling cards when you come to the first nonland card with converted mana cost less than the cost of the cascaded card. at elysiume, if you read the prompt following the term cascade, it reads "you MAY play it(the card) without paying....." which means you do not have to play the dark ritual or whatever card was revealed. you may leave it on top for the next instance that you'd draw a card. and from what i hear floating around, the new rules did away with mana burn? someone correct me if im wrong.
Posted By: cadenblade (9/17/2009 10:04:26 PM)


Cascade 5!

Even better, you can return something to your opponent's hand! Isn't that a neat add-on.
Posted By: Vizzerdrix80 (3/12/2010 2:05:34 AM)


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