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Community Rating: 4.372 / 5  (289 votes)
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This gets a 5/5.
Just personal opinion, but "T-2 defining" makes me sad.
Posted By: n00bmag1 (7/27/2010 7:30:31 PM)


Too powerful card imo because of cascade and haste combined for 4 CMC, but it seems that when something has the word "elf" on it, it just has to be overpowered.
The art is just horrible! An elf that rushes into combat while bringing something else with it is NOT captured in this art that mostly looks like a grumpy elf with bad hair and an eating disorder, waiting in line, just standing there.
Posted By: Sironos (8/30/2010 7:58:13 AM)


Turn 1: Forest, Sol Ring
Turn 2: Mountain, Bloodbraid, into a Jund Hackblade, Blightning, Ball Lightning, And More!
Posted By: jon9797 (11/8/2010 2:38:31 PM)


Bituminous Blast -> this -> Boggart Ram-gang with Vengevine in graveyard = -1 opponent blocker and 10 damage :)
Posted By: iSlapTrees (12/15/2010 6:28:37 PM)


if you have no cards to flip into, do you lose from not haveing any cards in your deck?
Posted By: bijart_dauth (4/23/2011 10:56:00 AM)


Do elf and beserker really mix? Also everyone seemed to miss the obvious bloodbraid into Yawgmoth's Will combo, oldest trick in the book. Now all your Blightnings, Lightning Bolts, and Colossal Mights come back around!
Posted By: desolation_masticore (12/29/2010 6:18:11 AM)


This card is stupid. It ruined Standard when it was around. I don't see where all the love for it is coming from. It's clearly designed to be a game-breaking, format dominating card, and that's not a good thing. It makes matches more boring, predictable, and similar.

If you're running red and green, you NEED to run Bloodbraid. If you run Bloodbraid, you NEED to run Blightning and Sprouting Thrinax. If you're splashing black for those two cards, you might as well add Putrid Leech and Maelstrom Pulse. Since you know what colours you're running already, and you're using Cascade, you'll probably run a couple of Bituminous Blasts, or Broodmate Dragons, if you're feeling like more creatures. Common sense will make you throw a couple of Lightning Bolts and Terminates in, and you're done.

The deck builds itself, and requires ... (see all)
Posted By: Wulfsten (7/13/2011 9:32:33 AM)


To be honest, this might just be the result of the designers not realizing how powerful two keywords would end up together. It's not the first time that mistake has happened.
Posted By: surewhynot (10/26/2010 9:41:03 PM)


"What's that? Turn four 3/2 haste cascading into Ball Lightning? Thanks for playing, it's been fun."
Posted By: Kuroth (5/23/2012 1:46:24 PM)


Played in an aggro deck, you will most likly get soming from Cascade which will burn. That's the kinda kind you play with this one. ^_^
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (9/11/2009 1:58:32 PM)


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