If you're playing EDH or Archenemy with friends, why don't you just make the requirement 60 instead of 40?
Posted By:
(11/6/2010 6:12:15 PM)
labnarud stop wining life gain decks need treats like this with stuff like infect that makes being at high life pointless.
Posted By:
(1/1/2011 6:00:29 PM)
If I had him, I'd put him into my BW lifegain; it doesn't have a lot of great cards, but it gains life crazy fast!
Posted By:
(3/4/2011 7:32:41 PM)
sucks that it's not ledgendary, still awsome in EDH though, pretty sweet in standard lifegian, surprisingly a very balenced mythic, that i still wouldn't mind pulling in a pack.
Posted By:
(8/1/2011 7:49:09 PM)
In Commander turn 1 Swamp, Dark Ritual, Entomb fetching this then Animate Dead. then pass turn.
Posted By:
(10/6/2011 10:41:32 PM)
That plus white sun's passing could easily win the game. Add that to an exalted bant deck.
Posted By:
(10/26/2011 8:41:37 PM)
Does willbender work against this?
Posted By:
(3/12/2012 8:12:38 PM)
Scout's Warning?
Posted By:
(3/13/2012 2:53:15 PM)
Illusions of Grandeur. whats that? im sorry, i cant hear you over the sound of my 40 life.
Posted By:
(4/29/2012 6:36:37 PM)
Just before your turn, when you are at 40 life Flash it in
Posted By:
(9/14/2012 2:37:28 PM)