Having a non-combat wincon is pretty handy at times; sometimes you just need to be able to win without punching the opponent in the face (metaphorically speaking). I was just playing my monowhite lifegain, complete with two of these, against a monogreen Eldrazi ramp deck. Like a noob I don't include much land destruction outside of green, as its rare to come up against decks in casual with need-to-answer lands. Of course, this fella was playing Eye of Ugin, which meant he could find new threats about as fast as I could answer them (Mistveil Plains + Well of Lost Dreams certainly helped a lot with that). Top decked this guy and planted him on 63 life, and knew I had it unless my opponent (whos Ulamog was exiled) drew into Lignify. He didn't, my win.
He's not a terrible beater himself, though loses to the 5 mana Baneslayer in terms of a combat wincon, but yeah, he's a nice alternate wincon in a lifegain deck.
Posted By:
(12/24/2012 1:00:10 AM)
I flash him in with Vedalken Orrery out.
Posted By:
(12/29/2012 4:40:00 AM)
Great card for a deck with even a secondary focus on lifegain.
But how does it win condition work flavorwise?
I've always wondered about that.
Posted By:
(6/14/2013 10:49:35 AM)
...Can someone please tell me why this is legal in EDH?
Posted By:
(9/24/2013 2:13:32 PM)
I have two of these in my GW Ally deck (Ondu Cleric, that's why.) as well as two Lurking Predators. Real fun to get this out on your opponent's turn to win you the game on yours.
Posted By:
(10/6/2013 5:41:31 PM)
The flavor on this card makes absolutely zero sense.
Posted By:
(10/30/2013 1:35:30 AM)
Good Thing PHulk is banned
Posted By:
(12/6/2013 6:28:47 AM)
The fact that this is legal in commander makes me very, very happy.
Posted By:
(12/22/2013 9:33:01 PM)
Faced this once in a EDH game (against an Oloro deck). It came out and I spent 20 minutes agonizing over how to not lose. In the end, I tutored in a Rapid Hybridization just to blow it up. It ended up being quite manageable, but when it comes down, it really puts a ton of pressure on you.
Posted By:
(2/7/2014 12:48:10 AM)
I think Brimaz might want a word with you ;)
Posted By:
(2/16/2014 1:07:07 PM)