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Raksha Golden Cub + Quietus Spike + Whispersilk Cloak. Let's suppose your opponent has 20 life. Raksha deals 5 damage (15), then he/she loses half his/her life (7) then Raksha deals another 5 damage (2) and your opponent loses half of those 2 life (1). If you had Shuko or something like that that gives +1/+0 then Raksha deals 6 damage (14) and the opponent loses half his/her life (7). Until now, the same. But things change when Raksha deals yet other 6 damage (1) and the opponent loses his/her last life, courtesy of the Spike. Nice!
Posted By: RakshaGoldenCub (12/22/2010 3:40:27 PM)


If it didn't specify combat damage, I would have slapped it onto Rumbling Slum in a multiplayer game.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (12/22/2010 11:03:54 PM)


so nice. I run with boros swiftblade, who is a cheap doublestriker. Add in a sunforger to search for silver bullets and thundersong trumpeters to clear the way and you have a respectable deck.
Posted By: jsttu (1/16/2011 3:22:48 PM)


this card reminds me of VENOM
Posted By: Ladwig (1/28/2011 8:02:27 PM)


I have to say this is a potentially pretty sweet card, since I just got through a game where my opponent had 4,000,000 life. Yes, really. Four Celestial Mantles can do that. Good thing I had an unblockable Platinum Angel with shroud and infect to pull me through. Still, I have to say Quietus Spike would've been nice as an option.
Posted By: Garfunculus (3/3/2011 3:22:34 PM)


this one is so sooo awesome it costs little and if you put it on a creature with tramplethats powerful you can kill many at one time and then once you hit your opponent hes half dead. then in like third move you are at 20 to 10 and pwoning so this put on all four this card get a any price. its very good how ever make shure to use at begining so it most efevtive
Posted By: sorin688 (3/18/2011 9:47:41 PM)


Fantastic in EDH, especially if your using a general like Eight-and-a-Half-Tails that makes your creatures nearly impossible to block.
Posted By: PhyrexianAdvocate (3/24/2011 10:36:38 PM)


Ebonblade Reaper with this and double strike ko's opponents with 1 attack
Posted By: umumwhatshisname (6/14/2011 1:13:58 PM)


A fun combo with this is Darksteel Sentinel. Not ubergood but very fun. Attack each turn and force them to lose a creature or take half their health and still be ready to kill whatever attackers they send at you while being very hard to get rid of.
Posted By: Stinga (1/1/2012 2:59:46 PM)


"For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin
-Shakespeare, Hamlet.
Posted By: Morgaledh (9/21/2012 12:26:24 PM)


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