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The fact that you only need 2 turns after you play her, to demolish your opponent and their field, is pretty scary. It doesn't hurt that she's hawt either. :p
Posted By: SparklesTheVicious (5/30/2011 3:22:44 PM)


She actually looks damned cute in this one.
Posted By: Totema (11/22/2011 11:06:00 PM)


I like this art, it's amazing! Also, I think Chandra doesn't see enough play. She doesn't need to be built around and she has very good abilities. She should be a staple of every burn deck.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (6/9/2012 11:57:27 AM)


While her Planeswalker cards are usually interesting, I hate Chandra for being the most one-dimensional of the neo-walkers, personalitywise. What's her personality? She burns stuff. And she's not even a cool or interesting pyromaniac, like Jaya Ballard. She's the most boring kind of pyromaniac one could design.
Posted By: Tiggurix (9/28/2012 8:40:59 AM)


Awesome art.
Posted By: HellkatOverlord (9/30/2012 8:20:26 PM)


Check out the Japanese version's art if you like anime. Worth a look. Same goes for the printing of Jace for the same box set.
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/14/2013 1:20:23 AM)


Great planeswalker. Her +1 is okay, her -x is good depending on the situation, and her -8 is just bonkers. Imho her only drawback is that her 5cmc is a little much for some speedy red decks.
Posted By: Babyjenks (6/22/2013 7:57:05 PM)


got the Duel Decks: J v. C mainly because this art reminds me of Anakin on Mustafar.
in that box, discovered the card 'Fact or Fiction' with the Dementor art. O.O'
such a tragic irony that I was drawn to the fire, and left realizing that Blue is 10x >>>>> Red. I'm sorry Chandra. You're still hot at least :)

2013 update: this art has aged FANTASTICALLY. Back when Jace vs. Chandra was printed in like, 2007 or 2008, I was pretty sure I liked the Lorwyn art a lot more. But! in retrospect this is probably the very best Chandra art we have of the available. Kev Walker knows how to draw smoke, clouds, and fire. =) ....And Chandra, the Firebrand is ...so....:(

Kawaii? :P Like, Jace and Chandra actually got Anime Duel decks for a reason. Their M12 and 13 cards look like Anime characters -_-

Final Note: Interesting how hyped she was, and how she may have filled the hype of her card type in general, but not t... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (11/1/2013 8:35:59 AM)


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