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Every other old "as an additional cost" spell used one of these wordings:
"(Sacrifice a creature) to _"
"(Sacrifice a creature): _"
"At the time you play ~ (sacrifice a creature). _"
If it weren't for the flavorful name, it would be very easy to assume that this card kills your creature on resolution, and possibly even works more like Innocent Blood than Bone Splinters.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (4/16/2012 12:15:56 AM)


Thrull deck? I'd rather run some of the more efficient changeling creatures available out there if I really wanted the +2/+2 effect. Regardless this is reanimation for {B}{B} which is astounding, despite the sorcery speed (which most reanimation is anyways) and the exile requirement.
Posted By: tcollins (5/23/2012 9:00:53 AM)


Not only that, but with proliferate +2/+2 counter would be a game play change compared to 2 +1/+1 counters. Wizards wants to avoid game play changes.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/20/2013 3:14:26 PM)


I wonder, has anyone gotten back a Treasury Thrull with this yet? In some Thrull tribal deck. Make your own Sun Titan.
Posted By: Pollinosis (3/21/2013 4:23:22 PM)


The +2 +2 counters for this card were printed and placed in a certain magazine back in the day.
You can probably find all the Fallen Empire Creature and Counter tokens on Ebay if you're lucky.

+2 +2 counters are very likely to stay simply because they were intended to be +2 +2 counters and not two +1 +1 counters. Thrulls make funny counters, like the +1/+2 counters on Armor Thrull, it's their thing.

That being said, this card is amazing. Exiling your Putrid Imp will probably not hurt you in the long run, especially not when you have an 8/8 Simic Sky Swallower walloping the opponent.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (1/17/2014 8:07:52 PM)


What people seem to be failing to realize is that it can be used without thrulls at all, and is still fairly costed even without that clause. Anything that takes creatures from the graveyard and puts them directly onto the battlefield is worth at least some consideration. This has beautiful synergy with Putrid Imp, as you can both drop a threat into the grave by using its ability, as well as sacrifice it to reanimate the target you just buried. If you look at it as a cheaper, more conditional Zombify rather than a buff, it's really not that bad.
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/15/2014 9:52:27 AM)


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