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Community Rating: 4.277 / 5  (47 votes)
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5/5 Flyer for 6 is a fair base, Spell punting is an interesting ability, and the Morph ability allows for some surprise shenanigans. Gonna doom blade my one morphed creature? How about no?
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/22/2013 6:34:28 AM)


Normally his ability is not relevant, but you can play your boring 2/2 for 3, and if they target it and you have 4BlueBlue open, you can redirect the spell and get a 5/5 dragon.

2/5, always hated morph because nobody likes 2/2 for 3
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/4/2013 7:23:58 PM)



2/5? Really? You've got to be joking. The point of this card is not to just play it as a 2/2 for 3 mana and keep it that way. Either you morph it, then flip it, or you just cast it. Simply giving a creature morph doesn't make it worse.

Also, people seem to be so obsessed with the fact that the redirection ability isn't as good as it looks at first glance that they forget the fact that it actually does something really useful. Imagine if it said, "U: Quicksilver Dragon gains hexproof until end of turn." That would be almost the same thing. This guy is like Sphinx of Jwar Isle except often better because you can target it yourself.

Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/20/2014 9:49:14 AM)


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