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Probably one of the best cards there is, but by the time you can play it will be almost pointless. An ultimatum at 7 mana is more likely to win you the game than the sphinx can at 8. Also, despite the sphinx's protection and being splash black, there are still several removals that can take her out, including a righteousness on a flyer, divine verdict, path to exile, oblivion ring, unmake, profane command, consume spirit, etc. Blue color players can also just opt to mind control it. Master transmuter can help with the high cost, but then having to be reliant on one card just to get out another is not always the best option, because neither one will function their best without the other. The issue with all cards of this nature is it has to have some sort of great protection like shroud or indestructibility, or it's a win more card. Played to late in the game when you have the disadvantage the build up or momentum that the opponent has reached is better stunted by playing multiple ... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/13/2009 12:13:33 AM)


Oh man, love this card with heart and soul. play one in my transmuter deck. the other day, it died to a double exalted baneslayer and made me sad. i think thats the only time i've ever seen one die
Posted By: Colossus_of_Darkstee (4/13/2010 7:21:05 PM)


Oh, great, the third Akroma, let's call it:

Akroma of the Steel Wind
Posted By: Smithney (5/26/2010 5:03:56 AM)


Fancy meeting you again, Akroma. You look a little different. Did you do something with your colors and abilities?
Posted By: Johnald (6/1/2010 8:43:05 PM)


Evil reanimate target. Evil evil evil.
Posted By: tom_hero (6/20/2010 4:27:21 AM)


When I got this card from the pack it went straight into my esper based artifact deck. I have yet to play it, but people I play know it's in the somewhere
Posted By: Novox_Prayer (7/29/2010 9:35:49 PM)


Amazing creature.
It costs 8 mana ? Who cares, burry it alive and get it out via Ressurection or Zombify.

Kickass in white/black lifelink deck using "any mana" lands.
Posted By: Pipikako (10/24/2010 2:40:38 AM)


Best of the best. Everyone has a favorite re-animator, and this makes a few lists. This could have been the next Akroma, it is that good (though Akroma Angel of Fury gives Akroma a bad name). As a matter of fact, this is everything Akroma SHOULD be.

Akroma Angel of Wrath, Hellkite Overlord, Iona, and Sphinx of the Steel Wind are all superb. This card is too great in the graveyard with goblin welder. A lotus petal traded for a 6/6 lifelink, vigilance, flying beastie, ohh, I shouldn't have. It's so good with welder, I feel guilty...
Posted By: feeble2002 (12/30/2010 2:27:22 PM)


Do you think 8CC is a bit daunting? Try Grand Arbiter Agustin IV to bring it down to size. ;D Or two... no one's judging. I also love how Isperia the Inscrutable will fetch this for you.
Posted By: SuperSphinx (1/17/2011 5:32:39 PM)


not just 8 mana, but spread across 3 colours. if you have an awesome deck that can cheat artifacts into play... then invest in a blightsteel colossus. if you can't cheat artifacts into play... well playing 3 colours is normally seen as disadvantageous because of early mana problems, and i don't think this guys worth it. a good card, definitely, but 3/5 for lack of practical application.
Posted By: BlueRock (2/24/2011 7:14:38 PM)


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