Goblin Assault + This = Win
Posted By:
(11/1/2009 12:30:37 PM)
This card is just amazingly kickass. Between the various dragon buff cards out there, this shouldn't be a problem. Combo it with any number of Jund cards that give a bonus when you sac a creature, and you're golden. Crucible of Fire? Even if it's not devouring anything, you've got a 4/4 flier. Doubling Season? Pop out two, devour one, and it becomes a 5/5. Lots of options here, and at the end of it, you've just got at on of fliers going around. Great card, great card.
Posted By:
(4/30/2009 7:13:19 PM)
crazyknight, you don't have to make the tokens devour each other when a new one comes out, you can wait a few turns and build up the number of tokens then sack a lot of them for a monster token
Posted By:
(4/30/2009 7:05:40 PM)
Just played with this in my deck at a local tournament. Every time i played it, it was a win a few turns later. Amazing when played with Mycoloth
Posted By:
(6/4/2009 10:12:29 PM)
A big, token-generating flyer that works well with Mycoloth? Wizards must really like me. This a great card to put your opponent on a timer.
Posted By:
(10/22/2009 4:39:02 PM)
Heh. Mother of Dragons.
Posted By:
(7/30/2012 3:16:42 PM)
This is a verdant force with flying. It is awesome!
Posted By:
(4/30/2009 6:17:33 AM)
now it says each that includes your opponents correct? and then for that matter that token can attack on your next turn because it's been on the battlefield since before your turn started, correct?
Posted By:
(9/4/2009 6:11:36 AM)
Sweet Avacyn, I love this card. It gives me an unlimited supply of 1/1 missiles to throw at my opponent, and I get the satisfaction of having so many creatures on the table I start to run out of room.
After playing this card:
Me: Okay, I'll start my turn - DRAGON! (puts out a token) - play some spell, and throw a 1/1 flier your way.
Opponent: Okay, it's my turn-
Me: DRAGON! (puts out another token)
Opponent: (glares) Are you going to do that every time you get one of those things?
Me: Yep. Oh, look, it's my turn again. DRAGON!
Posted By:
(2/29/2012 5:15:28 PM)
Weird when a younger baby dragon eats an older brother dragon, or even its mother! O_o
Posted By:
(8/3/2009 11:42:54 PM)