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2 stars. Mana cost is too much for what you get. Requires you to have too many artifacts in a limited deck to be effective, and isn't efficient enough for standard. If you do get lucky and land it on turn 4 with 3 or 4 +1/+1 counters, the card still has no evasion or protection. This card is asking for a lot from your deck to be effective, and if you don't have 1/3 of your deck as artifacts, there is really no point in having him in there, as he will usually be a more mana intensive Hill Giant.
Posted By: lolbrolol (5/10/2009 4:13:17 PM)


thats is not amplify?

or amplify has a design error?
Posted By: ardandil (8/25/2009 9:45:33 PM)


I agree. Not bad at all, except it costs too much and too many different colors to be terribly useful, unless your running a deck with a lot of draw power.
Posted By: Londemonium (7/26/2010 4:22:40 PM)


To put it simply, it's broken. It should be uncommon...
Posted By: Th3_Dark_On3 (5/1/2009 4:05:08 PM)


Use Master Transmuter instead of casting to eek out an extra +1/+1 counter!
Posted By: DacenOctavio (6/28/2010 8:10:37 PM)


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