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8th edition's art pwns this one's
Posted By: NecroArTeest (12/9/2009 11:29:12 PM)


When I was first getting started, one of my friends had a very bare bones monoG fatty fatty boom boom deck.

Nothing but Civic Wayfinders and Rampant Growths into various wurms and baloths.

Since then, I've come to expect more from constructed decks, but nostalgia will always keep me from hating this guy.

Plus he's still a house in limited.
With wicked art and text.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (4/7/2010 7:48:15 AM)


More like Crap Wurm, amirite?
Posted By: True_Mumin (8/26/2009 12:59:47 PM)


Classic but it sucks.
Posted By: Duskdale_Wurm (10/5/2010 10:01:01 PM)


One time I played Craw Wurm and my opponent scooped.

Craw Wurm is the Chuck Norris of Magic.
Posted By: Nickkom (11/24/2009 10:34:53 PM)


No, progenitus is the Chuck Norris of magic.
Posted By: powerdude (1/6/2010 8:33:52 PM)


There was a time when you would worry when your opponent would put this one out on the table.

As most people here, I give it 5* purely out of nostalgia, before the power creep. Now for 4GreenGreen you're getting a 19/19 with shroud, trample, double strike, lifelink, protection from everything, indestructible and "when this enters into play, your opponent loses the game" - I am barely exaggerating?
Posted By: bagilis (9/14/2010 12:39:43 AM)


Aw, what a cute wittle putty tat! 5/5 for nostalgia.
Posted By: TheHandyman (3/8/2011 4:27:52 PM)


FAIL! Has anyone here heard of Yavimaya Wurm! Sure this card is a classic with good painting but Yavimaya Wurm is way better a card. Don't put this in a deck!
Posted By: DESTROYERDEMON (8/27/2011 11:31:14 AM)


I wish they print a card or two that makes Craw Wurm and Scaled Wurm so fearsome that make up for the powercreep. Muraganda Petroglyphs is not enough. Just an idea:

Elder of the Ice Age 2GreenGreen
Legendary Creature - Druid
Flash, Split second
If you control a Forest, a Craw Wurm and a Scaled Wurm, Elder of the Ice Age can't be the target of spells and abilities an opponent controls.
Craw Wurms and Scaled Wurms you control gets +2/+2 and has First strike, Forestwalk, Haste, Reach, Trample, Vigilance, and gains "if this creature blocks, it gets +1/+1 for each forest you control until end of turn".
Tap: Regenerate target wurm. It gains Shroud until end of turn.
Posted By: non1337 (11/29/2010 3:10:22 AM)


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