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Community Rating: 2.336 / 5  (122 votes)
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6/6 for 6 vanilla would not see constructed play.
I dont like limited cards! They stink bigtime, and only see play in limited because there was no other options.

Also keep in mind, weak cards have nothing to do with strong cards. Look at Urza / Mirrodin block for examples. They both had their limited trash, but that didn't stop the block from breaking in two.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/24/2013 11:14:40 AM)


i never played this guy,,,i mean ever
Posted By: Iiory (8/4/2009 7:30:41 AM)


such a fail card this was never good even homelands had better cards then this.
scumbling1 Merchant Scroll is better than most cards in most sets and craw wurm is worse then most cards from most sets so I called craw wurm a fail not Merchant Scroll.
There was a time when you would worry when your opponent would put this one out on the table.
your kidding right? Some of alphas creators are still quiet good at fighting by today's standers like Nightmare and Shivan Dragon. When was this good? IT certainly wasn't good when it came out back in the day you could make decks that would probably win before your appoints first turn if you where going first. The power 9 and channel where all unrestricted and the alpha beta lands where all easy pickings so you could run a deck something like this.
4x Time Walk
4x Ancestral Recall
4x Channel
4x Black Lotus
4x aut... (see all)
Posted By: dragonking987 (4/3/2011 9:40:55 PM)


That's strictly worse than Vastwood Gorger, which isn't very good itself. 2/5
Posted By: Schlapatzjenc (12/20/2011 11:28:29 AM)


Even in Unlimited this card was overpriced and useless. In a way, Craw Wurms damaged Magic for almost a decade, since WotC constantly treated them like the baseline price for fatties even though they were worthless and nobody used them in high-level play. It took years before they finally understood that late-game creatures had to be better in order to compete with other cards (which could often trivially render them irrelevant.)

This a bad card and I wish it had never been printed. In a way, it's worse than most bad cards, because the fact that it was almost playable fooled R&D into thinking it was a good baseline to balance other cards against. Chimney Imp only caused problems for itself; this guy caused problems for the entire game.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/16/2013 7:30:34 PM)


I have one in a deck I'm working with at the moment, but he might get thrown out. It would have been a better card if the trample ability was included, but sadly it's just not that great. It's 6/4 stats help a little, but I don't see this costing 6 mana... Maybe 5... Maybe.
Posted By: GearWarriorK (8/8/2009 7:26:46 PM)


Get in there, Craw Wurm!!!
Posted By: torauma (10/10/2009 10:48:10 PM)


Ancient Silverback
Posted By: Shinigami-2099 (12/30/2010 1:20:48 PM)


Completely unplayable compared to Yavimaya Wurm. In fact, trample is so valuable that I'd take Garruk's Companion over this.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (3/1/2011 11:09:17 PM)


Might be a classic, but seriously if you think about putting it in your deck your a moron. Look up Yavimaya wurm before even go 2 your deck box. Same power, toughness, and cost, except it has trample. Why would you take a card that's a classic over a card that's exactly the same with an extra ability and different name? Come on people! Little brain power won't kill you. Using this card in a game might though.
Posted By: giggidy45 (8/16/2011 1:07:19 PM)


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