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This card is awesome just for Storm Crow value. A card used to illustrate how bad it is to play uninteractive creatures, but a better example since so many players once had a crush on this card.

Example: Someone posts on an EDH forum how tired they are of their goodstuff deck getting rolled, complaining about casual etc. Dude steps in and says, "Don't play Craw Wurm, bro." Of course no one is playing Craw Wurm, but we all know what that means.
Posted By: Justice1337 (10/18/2011 2:40:01 PM)


Draft card, pure and simple.
Posted By: Field_Marshal (1/6/2012 10:20:50 PM)


I've loved wurms since I started playing magic. One creature type that has always had consistently awesome art and flavor, regardless of playability. Because wurm.
Posted By: Bonghoots (2/17/2012 2:59:52 PM)


For six mana in monogreen you could have Terra Stomper.
'Nuff said?
Posted By: gman92 (3/30/2012 8:16:44 AM)


I nostalgia'd. This big guy was in the first deck I ever made, and there still is a Timmy thrill to seeing a gigantic serpent slithering over to deal 6 damage to your opponent. There's lots of far superior wurms, starting with the strictly better Yavimaya Wurm, but you can't beat Craw Wurm for good memories.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (4/26/2012 9:16:12 AM)


Y U no at least 5 toughness? Did you forget you're green?!
Posted By: TheAmberSpyglass (8/2/2012 12:55:15 AM)


While this guy is underpowered by today's standards, he was appropriate back in the day when the game was new and creatures were weaker. That being said, they really shouldn't keep reprinting this guy (or equally weak cousins) when we all know better than to play them these days.
Posted By: Radagast (10/1/2012 2:54:59 PM)


"speeds through the forest".

hmmm... what ability, available in Alpha, usually represented speed?

Ha--Oh? Vanilla? Oh,ok...
Posted By: Ferlord (5/13/2013 9:21:49 PM)


@Aquillon: Clearly you have never played Limited where Craw Wurm is awesome.

@thewrathofshane: And yet you complain about power creep on every card that's even a little too powerful... really if we had it your way every card would be the same.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (8/16/2013 12:03:49 PM)


Not sure what is worse, that this was actually reprinted in a core set this decade, or that Wizards once printed a multicolored legendary creature for one more CMC with the exact same P/T and (lack of) abilities.
Posted By: jfre81 (9/15/2013 12:24:28 PM)


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