The question I have is, when Veteran Armorsmith is destroyed, do the soldiers that were affected with the +1/+0 still have the +1/+0 or is this considered a static affect that is only valid while the card is on the battlefied?
Posted By:
(10/2/2009 3:25:49 PM)
essentially, he is a 2/2 that gives all soldiers you control +0/+1
same goes for Veteran Swordsmith and her power boosting.
just something i noticed with the pair.
Posted By:
(5/31/2011 2:29:37 AM)
Firstly, he gives them +0/+1, not +1/+0
Also, the second he dies, all your other soldiers lose their extra toughness. So if you have two of them and your opponent does 3 damage to each, neither will die, but if your opponent does one extra damage to one of them, then they both hit the graveyard.
Posted By:
(6/29/2011 12:33:27 PM)
It looks like the Armored Warhorse took up Blacksmithing.
Posted By:
(10/15/2011 10:06:34 PM)