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Community Rating: 3.766 / 5  (77 votes)
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holy day beats thtis card 8 out of 10 times really like
the other due will be direct damage which this card is good for
Posted By: lightning19 (7/18/2009 4:17:21 PM)


one sided damage reduction? Yes
Posted By: Dragek (7/11/2009 8:07:47 PM)


it would be great to see someone play titanic ultimatum, only to become obselete by safe passage
Posted By: Monster__addict (7/30/2009 11:53:30 PM)


In the world of Magic Angels support soldiers but in the game angels suck. Too expensive and easy to kill.
Posted By: EnV (9/30/2009 8:17:36 PM)


ok card, cool art
Posted By: greenandblack (2/21/2010 8:59:06 AM)


It's a close game. Both he and his opponent are tied at a stale 10 to 10. He's been waiting half the game with urza's rage in his hand, and finally gets the ridiculous mana that is needed to make it worth it. Three strong creatures are preparing to attack. "This is gonna' be easy", he thinks. "I've got the win right here, and all my opponent has out are a few measly 2/3 first strikers." Little does he know, his opponent just happens to be waiting for the right time to play his safe passage and twincast. His turn starts, and he plays urza's rage and attacks with all his creatures for the final victory! . . . . . "WHAT?! NO! Urza's Rage can't be countered!" he says with a look of devastation and rage on his face. "Did I say I was countering it?" his opponent says in a cool voice with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye. Little did he know that in a sad few seconds the game would be over with him on the losing end of it. And all because of a measly common, and a boring looking rare. Timmy wa... (see all)
Posted By: EvilCleavage (3/23/2010 4:18:14 PM)


goodbye endure, i got a new friend
Posted By: BobTheBuillder (5/2/2010 7:01:23 AM)


I love this card. holy day is good, but this is better.

W, prevent combat damage
1, allows your opponents creatures to take damage
1, prevents burn

2W, screw RDW in the bum.
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (6/10/2010 8:03:48 AM)


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