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Community Rating: 2.781 / 5  (96 votes)
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Oleander Is Gay Once Again This Card Sucks Lifelink Is An Ability Not A Card Name And This Art Is Hideous
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/14/2009 12:26:44 AM)


I want my magic cards to be mystic blue, gritty black, furious red, sterile white, and um, boring green. Not oily men everywhere - every card. Traumatize? Oily men. Lightning Bolt? Oily men. Wretched Banquet? Oily Undead Men.
Posted By: Lestat13 (7/13/2009 10:55:15 AM)


more art needs more pretty men? dude....
Posted By: deadguyred (8/16/2009 8:50:38 PM)


This is a one mana Pacifism don't you people get that?
Posted By: EnV (3/28/2010 6:50:28 PM)


Bizzare art, I personally don't like all that much. Less than average card, aside from using it on large creatures for strong amounts of life gain, I don't see this card being played all that much.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/25/2009 4:35:00 PM)


This card is so crappy it deserves 1/2 a star... They should've just pushed Spirit Link down to common like it being a common would've been bad.
Posted By: VerdantForce (8/3/2009 10:17:47 PM)


Add this to things that are supposed to deal you damage for fun. Goblin Artillery or Sparksmith come to mind.
Posted By: SeiberTross (3/29/2011 1:01:42 PM)


ok card life link is a nice ability and for only one mana
Posted By: penguinmage25 (4/20/2011 2:05:57 PM)


Probably the biggest problem is no flash and how it generally creates card disadvantage
Posted By: Superllama12 (7/8/2011 6:23:45 PM)


@Gausgoat: This card costs 1 CMC. Converted Mana Cost, not whatever you think CC means. Cancel is a 1CC card, where C means any colored cost.

No, this isn't really a good card. It's probably ok 40th card in draft. It also directly tells new players one of the things White is known for, which is what cards in Core Sets are meant to do. It also makes it easier for newer players to grasp the Lifelink ability. In that way, this card does a good job and was a fine print.

Taken as a whole, though, given that anywhere outside of Limited this will never see play exxcept for the most green of players, this is a 1/5 card.
Posted By: sarroth (7/12/2011 9:58:24 AM)


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