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...and that's how Equestria was made.
Posted By: Gelzo (2/19/2012 3:48:22 AM)


I'm considering making an Zendikar Allies deck with this. Could go really well.
Posted By: theelk801 (10/4/2009 7:40:47 AM)


I have a bant ally mill deck that I wants to splash one of these. With so many permanents on the field from the cheap allies, I will get tons of ally triggers on the stack for large amounts at once.

(Allies on the field) * (Number of allies entering the field) * (Number of same ally on field) = BIG

This works especially well with:
-Ondu Cleric
-Hagra Diabolist
-Halimar Excavator
-Jwari Shapeshifter
-Harabaz Druid

Posted By: Pwnsaw (2/21/2010 12:49:30 AM)


* Taking it slowly, here's what happens when Warp World resolves:
1) Each player counts the number of permanents he or she owns.
2) Each player shuffles those permanents into his or her library.
3) Each player reveals cards from the top of his or her library equal to the number that player counted.
4) Each player puts all artifact, land, and creature cards revealed this way onto the battlefield. All of these cards enter the battlefield at the same time.
5) Each player puts all enchantment cards revealed this way onto the battlefield. An Aura put onto the battlefield this way can enchant an artifact, land, or creature that was already put onto the battlefield, but can't enchant an enchantment that's being put onto the battlefield at the same time as it. If multiple players have Auras to put onto the battlefield, the player whose turn it is announces what his or her Auras will enchant, then each other player in turn order does the same, then all enchantments (both Auras and non-Auras)
... (see all)
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/17/2011 1:37:21 PM)


That's a chaos card if I've ever seen one.
Posted By: boneclub (3/20/2011 12:46:20 AM)


I use this with a token army in an otherwise sorcery heavy deck as to not deck myself, but still pretty much play everything in my deck for free.Its just a shame enchantments enter last.
Posted By: BrilliantIdiot (11/20/2009 12:17:32 AM)


@ Zulp: Blue is all about control and precision, this card represents chaos and randomness, that's all but blue.
Posted By: Fordin (2/28/2010 2:42:53 AM)


Does this really work with landfall creatures, what with the creatures resolving at the same time as lands?
Posted By: tazman321 (8/6/2011 8:43:53 PM)


One thing I enjoy about this card is the fact that when the enchantments enter play, they ignore the targeting rules. So for a creature that can not be the target of spells, you can attach an enchantment to them.
Playing this card online, many people quit when it is played.
Posted By: Guest1515099206 (8/14/2011 5:47:38 PM)


Follow up with Thieves' Auction, and laugh maniacally.
Posted By: Totema (4/14/2012 2:08:57 PM)


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