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This and Boon Reflection are insane together. Black/white could pull out a ridiculous amount of damage very quickly. Drain Life is another one, and combos with spirit link are obvious. Whew!

There are a ton of combos that can be played in black/green as well.

Spoils of Evil + Stream of Life = BLAM.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (1/22/2010 10:31:20 AM)


I can't believe this card hasn't existed before. So elegant, so much potential. It can function admirably merely with some lifelink creatures, or as a part of more exotic combos. So many different types of players can derive fun from this!
Posted By: r-e-meatyard (3/10/2010 11:51:31 PM)


Ok just to make sure this works.

Open the vaults-get out Filigree Angel and Sanguine Bond, my opponent would be taking damage correct? since with Open the vaults resolves everything at once?
Posted By: UraniumMan (3/12/2010 7:39:19 AM)


I have one of these in my mono-black vampire deck. I love it. It works so well with the vampire game mechanic of your opponent losing life, and you gaining life. Not to mention, the artwork is just so cool.

I give it a 4.5
Posted By: Beekhead (4/1/2010 9:57:25 AM)


I need this card so badly for my mono-black deck. Corrupts will do double the damage, and Tendrils of Corruptions will actually hurt my opponent. Needless to say, I'd throw in some lifelinkers with my regenerators.
Posted By: CrazyLou (5/1/2010 4:01:50 PM)


The Tainted Sigil combo wouldn't work as the sigil would just be one count of life gain, so only one opponent could be dealt 70 damage.

I used it in vampire, and that was okay. Then I made a Necropotence deck and of course I will have more than one Ivory Tower on the field. Have a Sanguine Bond, and each Ivory Tower will have it's own count of life gain. Ten damage to two, three opponents each upkeep. Completely feels like being in control of a death ray like in the old superman cartoons.
Posted By: NuclearMECCA (5/14/2010 8:43:46 PM)


This + Blood Tribute = instant win.
Posted By: Anggul (6/3/2010 6:08:59 AM)


OH, cool, awesome, hot, nice. I was thinking for several weeks now and I actually think that this card works with anything that gains you life.

Just think if you had like FOUR of these enchantments out- with four Doubling Seasons. OMG, y'all. Why, you would gain so much life if you were to say, play a Fracturing Gust. I can't believe no one else has mentioned this cool combo yet......................................................................................
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Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (6/4/2010 6:35:18 AM)


This + built up Bloodchief Ascension + Traumatize = deliciously evil way to win.

Also, Sanguine + Angelic Chorus + Serra Avatar, add Boon Reflection or Wound Reflection for some extra kick in the mivonks.
Posted By: Sendaran (6/8/2010 1:31:47 PM)


like most enchantments these days, it provides a global effect that, unless paired with consequent spells or abilities, is useless.

it is quite shaky at the fringe-of-typeII-playable mana cost of 5. and in today's removal heavy standard, it mightn't have a place. (maelstrom pulse, quasali pridemage, negate)

i like to think of it this way, if i cast it and have a vamp, i'm in a great position to bluff. do i have blood tribute or not, they ask. they can't take the risk, and so must do something about it. a bluffing opportunity to me, screams potential for a magic player's true talent to shine.

also, for all those saying it's too expensive, one mana less and everyone would be complaining about how broken it is. keep things in retrospect please.
Posted By: flipsyalec (7/6/2010 8:13:43 AM)


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