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Community Rating: 4.022 / 5  (138 votes)
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That’s actually completely wrong. See rule 704.5r from the comprehensive rules.
Posted By: Splenivore (10/1/2009 11:00:41 AM)


goodbye to Novijen, Heart of Progress
Posted By: Aww.Gasm (9/27/2009 5:07:59 AM)


Pretty good. Not the best land but could be used in some decks in Standard.
Posted By: CatsAreCthala (12/6/2009 6:27:11 PM)


Cauldron of Souls, anyone?
Posted By: Boss_Coffee (12/12/2009 7:39:35 AM)


vadoff i dont know where you heard that from but +1+1 counters do negate -1-1 counters it even shows on the shadowmoor lil rule insert card that im guessing you never paid any attention to
Posted By: lickthemoose (10/11/2009 3:53:02 AM)


Hi all i have a quick question before i rate this card. when you use oran-rief, the vastwood ability does it apply to all creatures that entered before and after the ability was used? secondly if you use persist( Scuzzback Marauders + Bramblewood Paragon + Goblin Bombardment ) and replace blamblewood paragon with oran-rief, the vastwood can you achieve the same combo?
Posted By: raven316 (10/11/2009 4:57:47 PM)


@a7141988: +1/+1 counters do not negate and remove -1/-1 counters, all counters stay on a creature unless removed by an ability or the creature leaves play. This card can't "heal" persist...
Posted By: Vadoff (10/1/2009 1:58:40 AM)


Use four of these (the maximum I think) with and put four Arbor Elves and Joragon Warcaller into play, costing only five forest/mana pool total. Use the rest to get as many cheap elf units as possible.

Four +1/+1 counters on every unit including Joragon that has entered. Untap your Oran Rief, the Vastwoods with your Arbor Elves and put four more +1/+1 counters on every unit. Joragon doubles the effect.

Congratulations; you now have +16/+16 counters for every elf unit you gained on this turn. If you have Bramblewood Paragon out, proceed to trample all opponents to death.
Posted By: Akeii (4/21/2011 8:43:12 AM)


FINALLY a land card that's worth something to me!! All the other rare lands are great, but I always thought they were missing something...but this land...UGH!! SO MANY POSSIBILITIES, LIKE CAMPBELL'S SOUP (possibilities)!!
Posted By: Jokergius (9/30/2009 9:42:36 PM)


So...um..any reason why this card no longer gives +1/+1 counters?

I cast this followed by some Elves and they received no benefit.

Posted By: drew1511 (7/31/2010 3:40:56 AM)


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