Doom Blade + Tremor = bye bye =)
Posted By:
(1/1/2010 5:24:26 AM)
The best queen in standard right now. FAAAAAAAAAAAAAABULOUS!!!!!
Posted By:
(9/26/2009 10:26:26 PM)
Poor Sliver Queen. Never to be reprinted. Though, to be fair, this wasn't reprinted in M11, and I have my doubts on M12.
And GTMaximo: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS................... You cannot fight worldwake!!!!!!!11
Posted By:
(3/26/2011 2:14:34 PM)
Posted By:
(4/5/2011 8:10:30 PM)
I combo this with forgotten ancient and it rules, I also pair it with my lovely xantid swarm
Posted By:
(2/12/2012 12:45:57 PM)
This card is pretty cool because it's a 5/5 for five which you really don't see, plus the ant production is non-tap plus works great with the plainswalker, Goruk, to me atleast.
Posted By:
(11/13/2009 1:33:22 PM)
Myocloth is not necessarily better than Ant Queen. You only have one chance to give Mycoloth a bunch of +1/+1 counters (by sacrificing your own creatures) and then you have to wait until your next upkeep to get the tokens. During your opponent's turn, Myocloth can be eliminated. Ant Queen is more versatile, as you can generate tokens the turn it enters the battlefield. If an opponent attempts to eliminate Ant Queen, you can respond by generating tokens. It's definitely one of the better token generators. I've used Ant Queen's tokens with Garruk Wildspeaker's ultimate ability and have also generated tons of tokens through Mirari's Wake.
@Donovan_Fabian: I had not thought about other cards that can add +1/+1 counters. In that case, Mycoloth can be more flexible. The debate here seems to be what you can do for 5 mana (or turn 5 without mana acceleration). If you cast Ant Queen with exactly 5 mana, then it is potentia... (see all)
Posted By:
(12/3/2009 12:36:46 PM)
Centerpiece of a Gigantomancer/Skill Borrower deck.
Posted By:
(4/29/2010 1:36:03 AM)
One of the best token producers ever printed, solid, survivable body, and supreme synergy with cards like Contamination and Overwhelming Stampede.
Posted By:
(8/27/2010 12:38:13 PM)
Effective also with Coat of arms.
Posted By:
(10/12/2010 3:35:24 PM)