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Community Rating: 4.325 / 5  (120 votes)
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The whispersilk cloak is a good piece of equipment. Its equip cost is cheaper than its casting cost, which is unusual (its usually the other way around). It can be moved around easily, and is great for both offense and defense. Since the creature is unblockable, the obvious use for this would be to put it on a fatty and smash your opponent. It can also be put on a powerful utility card or with some other nasty ability, like a Wellwisher, so my opponent's life total can skyrocket to undefeatable levels and I can't do anything about it unless I remove the cloak first! This card can take any creature you control and win the game for you, even a 1/1 if enough turns elapse and you can hold off your opponent for that long.

The shroud does cause some controller problems though. Since it can't be targeted by the controller (its shroud not hexproof), it can't be further equipped or enchanted. You would have to remove the cloak first, buff your creature, re-equip the cloak ... (see all)
Posted By: CorkBulb (7/14/2012 3:31:17 PM)


Really unfun in casual. Not completely unstoppable, but still really unfun.

Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/20/2014 10:28:27 AM)


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