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This + Indestructibility and Greater Auramancy.
Posted By: Qazior (7/14/2009 3:29:50 AM)


I played the hell out of this card back when Mirroden was released. I loved it, however have since lost all my old cards and haven't gotten ahold of it again.
Posted By: darkstarleviathan (8/18/2009 4:05:58 PM)


Pretty broken card... but couple of blue cards like Dream Leash or Mind Control, and the tables are turned! Got one of these in my first 2010 booster, a pretty good start!! Goes really well in Esper, with Master Transmuter and Sphinx Summoner, and if somone does destroy it, can just use Hegemon or Protomatter Powder to bring it back, mwahahaha!
Posted By: Jagdman (7/30/2009 2:17:57 PM)


There's a fairly elegant solution to this and all other ultimate/unstoppable/OP creatures. Platinum Angel, Progenitus, Darksteel Col., Baneslayer Angel, basically anything that counts as a creature: blue/black control, drop Telepathy on the board for U so you know the second they draw their trump, then Treacherous Urge.

Why kill it when you can own it?
Posted By: PhyrexianLobbiest (10/21/2009 3:15:52 PM)


talk about ruining the game
Posted By: Alex123321 (11/12/2009 2:04:46 PM)


Nice card, but easy to counter or return to hand, even if it has shroud (by lightning greaves for example). Simply cast Into the Roil, and then shatter, or blaze, or electrostatic bolt...Whatever ya got that kills it, gets rid of it, or takes control of it. If you have an artifact heavy deck with her and Master Transmuter or Copper Gnomes , consider putting Filigree Angel in there too in case you get under 1 health.
Posted By: Taltor (12/9/2009 10:12:40 AM)


JacksJokeShop, majinara... Ok, you two DO realize you are stating the ovious, right?
I mean, yeah all cards have their weakness as Jacksjokeshop said, so why do you two go on about how one can destroy this card and such, it's no secrete... And the thing is, not ALL decks are built with all these and/or any of these destructive cards that can stop platnuim Angel, otherwise no one would play the card and it'd be pointless to have made it. Many such as me just play for fun and don't worry about destroying EVERYTHING they come across when building their deck. They just build one with some sort of theme, and around that theme may or may not consist of destructive cards for many if any situations. Not about winning anyhow, just fun, so who cares if you can or can't destroy it?? Or how? It's completely beside the point entirely.
I can't speak for everone but all I care about is what people think of the card; would you use it or no? Is it a fun card or not... The flaws in it are ovious lo... (see all)
Posted By: AbyssalManZero (11/19/2009 1:40:32 PM)


This thing is pretty much cheating.
At least this card isn't another overpowered white card.
Posted By: UltimaCenturion (7/20/2009 9:15:45 PM)


I got a better combo, this + Darksteel Forge
Posted By: TwiT (8/24/2009 3:11:32 AM)


"I'm fairly certain this is meant for casual play."

I'm fairly certain that this is the single most boring card to see turn up in casual play. At least Divine Intervention causes the game to end.
Posted By: nibelheim_valesti (6/29/2010 5:24:20 PM)


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