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this + a Whispersilk Cloak = Win :D
Posted By: Pizza12345 (5/22/2010 11:24:25 AM)


Uhm??? if your playing mono blue?? this will NEVER die. i mean ever....
Posted By: Sorin__Markov (5/31/2010 11:05:30 AM)


This is my favourite card in the game: fun effect that enables all kinds of crazy combos, plus absolutely stellar art.
Posted By: thefringthing (6/4/2010 8:32:56 AM)


One of the most definite and effective stalls in the game, but the player has to keep in mind that that's all it is: a stall. As neat as it is, this won't win the game for you. If it was an 8/8 with flying, trample, and shroud, then yes, it might win the game for you, but as it stands it can only buy you time to set up what you need, and this is probably where noobs fail when they use this card.

Of course, if you do actually want to win the game with this and its artifact friends, just use Darksteel Forge, like I do. Most of my opponents scoop after that.
Posted By: Zulp (6/4/2010 8:22:19 PM)


My only real complaint with this card is it can make games more boring. I also hate seeing it put in decks semi-randomly - too many people put this in a deck even if it doesn't fit that well. I've had several frustrating losses to weak decks that only won because they had this out. But then I'm more of a combo player.

My favorite combos with Plat Angel are all black related (although using this with final fortune or one of the future sight pacts is fun) - jump into negative life totals and then play repay in kind, discard phage and bring him into play from my graveyard safely, and just otherwise use it's power in more interesting ways than "you have to get rid of a creature first."
Posted By: BetrayerKol (6/5/2010 7:15:16 PM)


Aaugh! NOOOBY!!! This is the reason I'm a fan of Seismic Strike.
Posted By: deadeye1387 (8/14/2011 9:50:25 AM)


It's a metal angel. 5/5
Posted By: scorpiolegend (11/5/2011 8:53:30 PM)


I replicate shattering spree 5 times.... all targeting this B|
Posted By: OttoT (1/16/2013 4:42:36 PM)


People, seriously. There are some many ways to deal with this thing, okay? It isn't even SLIGHTLY broken. You can remove it with everything from a Shatter (conveniently reprinted in the same block this originally came from, if I'm not mistaken) to a Splinter (which has much greater uses, but still). You can counter it, burn it, it dies to board wipes, it doesn't regen unless forced, and it just generally isn't that powerful. Grab a Leatherback Baloth and a Prey upon and it dies just as easily.

You noobs want an example of a broken card? Try Voice of Resurgence. Not enough for you? How about a Stoneforge Mystic? How about Sol Ring? Point is, if you honestly think that something like this is broken, you don't know what a broken card is.
Posted By: ShatterPalm (7/23/2013 8:48:27 AM)


@Risenguy: technically, there are a few ways around even that. You could remove the Plate (Shattering Blow, blue return to hand effects) and then Wrath the Angel. You could also force a sacrifice: Wrath + Chainer's Edict.
Posted By: Arachnos (12/11/2013 2:11:20 PM)


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