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There's always the simple combo of Howling Mine+Relic Barrier to keep it turned off durring an opponent's turn...
Posted By: swornsoldier (12/8/2009 7:15:32 AM)


Flavour text is a thousand times better than the previous editions!
Posted By: DarthKithkin (12/17/2009 1:00:01 AM)


so many uses for this bad boy...
Posted By: gnilleps (5/21/2010 4:32:33 PM)


sorry to say everyone, but this thing is not going to be in 2011. Sad day for Magic when cards like walletslayer are the new norm and staples like this get put aside.
Posted By: Maximillini86 (6/9/2010 1:09:21 AM)


...or they're just shifting to the revealed 3 drop {T}: Everyone draws a card.
Posted By: Tanaka348 (6/30/2010 9:20:25 PM)


The Best card ever, i hope it is never taken out of standard. Absolute staple in most of my decks purly for it fun in multiplayer games.
Posted By: drycanthra (8/3/2010 4:15:07 PM)


This is THE casual card.
Posted By: murdershot21 (9/28/2010 1:33:16 PM)


An all-time favorite. Multiple copies of it (possibly by also having Jace Beleren / Font of Mythos / Temple Bell etc) essentially throw the concept of card advantage out of the window, and that's when seven Lightning Bolts overwhelm seven Counterspells (or pretty much anything for that matter), almost invariably. And Sudden Impact gets so much stronger!

On the dark and evil side (or the deep blue side), the interaction with Time Warp is too good and more importantly too annoying. I won games with it and I didn't like it. I believe the fun part (Temple Bell) should stay, while the unfun part should at least cost 1 more.

I never utilized the fact that it turns off when tapped: it's too obscure and getting too technical for my liking. That's why I approve of the printing of Temple Bell.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (11/25/2010 3:56:58 PM)


"In multiplayer games, people sometimes I ask me why I kill Howling Mines whenever I can. Reasons..."

I agree with everything you said.

One thing I'd add to that list is when a lot of playes use this card, they are actively trying to mill you. It's a bad way to go about doing it, but it's often attempted nontheless. I don't believe in altruism in multiplayer.
Posted By: scumbling1 (5/12/2011 4:54:31 PM)


Majinara: "in specific decks, like ebony owl or mill decks, this card can do a great job."

Or in decks that just want to speed the game up for everyone. I play with plenty of people who run cards like this and Jace Beleren that aren't even full-on Group Hug. They don't mind the card disadvantage because they just want to have a fun casual experience. I'm definitely in this group. Of course, it's more fun when you pair it up with cards like Underworld Dreams, Mindslaver, and Consecrated Sphinx, but some people, like myself like it just fine on their own.

Of course, VoidedNote is wrong, too: Just because you're giving everyone cards does not mean they're not going to attack you. If it does, your opponents need better threat assessment; a threat is still a threat even with free cards.
Posted By: sarroth (12/15/2011 7:00:05 PM)


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