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Yes, it's been overshadowed by Reliquary Tower... but it wouldn't be bad in an artifact deck, right?
Posted By: Weretarrasque (6/29/2010 8:58:33 AM)


"Reliquary Tower was made back when artifacts did not work when tapped..."

I'm pretty sure Conflux came after the Fourth Edition rules changes.
Posted By: chinkeeyong (11/27/2010 7:27:36 AM)


Used to get a lot of play in my Academy deck. Low cost artifacts + Tolarian Academy + Stroke of Genius + Mind Over Matter == tons of reusable mana, draw and threats. Spellbook is perfect in such a scenario.
Posted By: annenoise (11/11/2010 9:15:27 PM)


I would use it over the tower in most decks. SImply because Reliquary Tower uses up my land drop. Though in most decks I would run this in desperately need to draw it, so i would probably run both.

And beefrocks, reliquary tower was made in conflux. Thats quite a bit after artifacts started working while tapped.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (4/3/2011 10:36:07 AM)


I say Reliquary Tower, this, and Library of Leng are equal.

The tower saves a card early game, at the cost of colored mana. That means while you'll sometimes get color screwed, you won't have to worry about losing cards. Land destruction is also a bit less common than artifact destruction.

This doesn't get you mana, but allows you to play a colored land. The disadvantage is that you'd use two cards in one turn, which makes your starting choices a bit smaller.

And the Libary gives you full discard protection, at the cost of one mana. If you're using a one drop deck, that might be a bit bad, since you'd lose a first turn creature, but that discard protection goes quite a long way, if you think about it.

Overall, 4/5 for all of them.
Posted By: Pigfish99 (6/18/2011 6:53:08 PM)


A good effect, but a waste of constructed space most of the time.
Why not just reprint reliquary tower and be done with it?
Then you can reprint more 0 costing artifacts....
Posted By: Queen_of_the_Fae (7/29/2009 11:14:37 AM)


Reliquary Tower is better. You get mana and the same abillity for the same cost
Posted By: Demonic_Angel13 (9/13/2009 4:32:37 PM)


One day, when max hand size is gone, this card will have the oracle text

Spellbook 0 Artifact
(Just to remind you that there is no such thing as a maximum hand size.)

Hey, we might even see this in M2013!
Posted By: Gabriel422 (6/27/2011 7:56:07 PM)


Reliquary Tower is STRICTLY BETTER than Spellbook.
Posted By: Arglypuff (10/31/2010 3:58:30 PM)


Yes, of course Library of Leng is better, but it's also harder to find.

Reliquary Tower was made back when artifacts did not work when tapped, and who wants to tap for one colorless mana after your discard step but before your untap step? Not much point in that, so with that card you had a choice between one effect or the other, but not both.

The flavor text for this card is awesome, and the card is really great. Considering the liabilities of other cards with the same ability, 4.5/5 stars. A great card.

Cool combo trick: Play this card and collect basically your entire library into your hand. Then play Mox Lotus and use the infinite mana boost to play everything at once. This can be very risky, but works great when it works at all.
Posted By: beefrocks (8/1/2010 8:05:34 PM)


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